I have created a series of lessons to broaden the conversation about ritual healing as a response to everything we are shifting through. We need Magick and rituals more now, than ever!
It's time to get back to our roots and back to the rights and rituals we have had for centuries.
We got so ahead of ourselves with technology that we've lost somethings along the way.
While much of ritual is intuitive, there are important foundational models and principles that determine how effective a healing ritual is.
You don't have to be a Witch, a Medium or a Psychic to perform these rituals. Just being here and being an intuitive human being is birthright enough to perform and engage them in your day-to-day life.
These teachings will deepen your knowledge and strengthen your skills for creating life changing and healing rituals for yourself and others.
I hope you find them useful.
With love,
Carmel, xo

Spell Bottles for any season!
JOIN CARMEL FOR THESE 6 Audio/VIDEO LESSONS THAT GIVE YOU DETAILed Instructions ON HOW AN EVERYDAY WITCH CREATES her spell bottles for MONEY, love, health, healing, protection AND ABUNDANCE and more.

Each Ritual Is Unique and Never Been Taught Before!
Learn to easily create your own spell bottles using everyday items in your own home!
In many old-world traditions, Spell Bottles were used to ward off evil spirits, but, nowadays, they hold a much bigger power. These bottles can hold all the magic of a spell, helping you to claim your power and adjust the energies in your life in whatever way you choose.
6 Audio/Video Lessons!
The history of Spell Bottles
The how, what, and why’s of creating spell bottles. When they should and should not be used.
The Fundamentals
Learn how to create effective spell bottles. Discover how to get in sync with your inner Witch that runs naturally inside of you. Understand the basics of spell work, such as grounding, casting a circle, charging, spiritual cleansing, and more.
Setting your Intention
In this lesson you will immerse yourself in the workings of this craft, with advice on how to plan your jar spell. Learn how to set the intention for your spell bottle for any purpose big or small and understand how to determine what ingredients will work best for your specific desired outcome.
Creating your Spell Bottle
A spell bottle isn't just a bunch of ingredients; it is a bottled spell that involves a lot of intention and effort. Watch as Carmel demonstrated step by step how to carefully craft your spell bottle with a detailed how-to explanation.
Enhancing the energy of your Spell Bottle.
Learn how to boost the power of your spell. Discover the magical significance of certain days, the moon cycles, useful spell components, and more.
Completing the circle of the Spell.
Learn how to care for your Spell Bottle. What to do if you need to end your ritual and what steps to take after your spell is complete.

Receive a bonus PDF download list of herbs and items to use in your spells with their meanings and specific purposes.
Discover the power of Spell Bottles!
Ritual Practice Spell Bottles