Basic Witch School
with Carmel Joy Baird

You don't have to call yourself a witch or identify as one to know in your heart that you are one, were one, or likely could be one!
If you're reading this right now …there's a good chance that this course is right for you.
I created my Basic Witch School level courses to give you basics of Witches and their evolution throughout history. Magick has been practiced for centuries and is one of the oldest beliefs and faiths, yet even in these modern times so much mystery still seems to surround its philosophies and practices.
These courses are not based on any religion but based on a set of beliefs and practices that many religions and faiths still hold true to this day. You will be very surprised with what you learn!
These one-of-a-kind courses will combine a mixture of audio lessons, video lessons, meditations and visualizations with the opportunity to see and experience first-hand many of the tools and rituals I use myself.
Work though the lessons and practice homework at your own pace, whenever you wish!
Carmel xo
The complete series.
Remembering what you once knew…
I truly believe that if you have found yourself as a witch in this lifetime, it's because you have been a witch in a previous lifetime. It would be very smart of your soul to remember that there is an intuitive force within you and nature, that can be used to navigate your way through this lifetime.
There is an important method to the structure and training that Witches need and require in order to move through their experiences and journey of knowledge.
To achieve success their lessons must be hands on and actually in the thick of it.
That's exactly where I will take you! Into the thick of it!
The Basic Witch School series of online courses are different than any other program you may come across on the internet and it may be the only one that is in alignment with Mediumship and Psychic training. There is no automated system that governs this course. These are real lessons with real hands-on training.

Each of these lessons will take you through another level of learning and understanding to help you strengthen and develop your abilities as a Healer, Witch, Psychic, Medium and all the titles we haven't thought of.
Historically the abilities of Witches were an occupation given to a desperate individual by a spirit (yes I said a Spirit, also known as a Guide) as an occupation to heal, sell charms and recover stolen items. Magick offered a great recourse against restrictive church institutions, oppressive landlords, and neglectful communities. For some women, often widows, magick was a job that kept them from starving.
Today for you, it can be a way to find a part of yourself that's been missing for a very, very long time. So, if you've ever desired to become a Witch and be able to accomplish all these magical deeds and countless more, while you change your life and that of people around you who need it, then you've made the right choice to begin your Basic Witch learning with all 5 levels!

What You Will Learn
Receive all 5 Basic Witch levels!
Basic Witch Level 1
Learn the basics of Witches. The rule of three, the meaning of magic, symbols and terminologies, the elements, the moon, mother nature, how to make spell candles and more!
Basic Witch Level 2
Learn about foraging in the forest and how to build and use your altar. Learn all about athames, tarot and oracle cards, the magic of the sea and the life of a Witch!
Basic Witch Level 3
Discover the power of a nature walk and the guidance you can receive. Learn how to connect with your Spiritual team on the other side. Discover the power of fire and learn how to read Rune Stones and how to create your own Witches Ladder!
Basic Witch Level 4
Learn how the power of mind affects your magic, how to use power words and create your own sigils. Discover the power of the Green Witch and how to use herbs and plants in your spells and daily life. Learn all about familiars and what history has taught us.
Basic Witch Level 5
The final chapter. Learn about the sacredness of your magick, how to ramp up the power of your magick and how to manage your energy. Discover the importance of your health as a Witch and how to protect yourself from psychic attack. Pull it all together as Carmel share with you the importance of sharing your magick with others, building a coven and how to host a your own healing circle.
Order All 5 Courses Today!
Basic Witch Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Take all 5 levels back to back, from the comfort of home!
Just $399.00!
Basic Witch Total Combo

Basic Witch Total Combo
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