Ritual Practice With Carmel Joy Baird
I have created a series of lessons to broaden the conversation about ritual healing as a response to everything we are shifting through. We need Magick and rituals more now, than ever before!
It's time to get back to our roots and back to the rights and rituals we have had for centuries.
We got so ahead of ourselves with technology that we've lost somethings along the way.
While much of ritual is intuitive, there are important foundational models and principles that determine how effective any ritual is.
You don't have to be a Witch, a Medium or a Psychic to perform these rituals. Just being here and being an intuitive human being is birthright enough to perform and engage them in your day to day life.
These teachings will deepen your knowledge and strengthen your skills for creating healing rituals for yourself and others.
I hope you find them useful.
With love,

Money Manifesting for
Today's World!
Join Carmel for these 6 video lessons that give you all the details on how an everyday witch creates money and abundance in their life.
Each ritual is unique and never been taught before!
You can easily perform the lessons from your own space and home.

6 Video Lessons!
Lesson 1:
The Ultimate Money Ritual.
Lesson 2:
Money Manifesting Oil.
Lesson 3:
Crystals and Money Ritual.
Lesson 4:
Banish Debt Ritual.
Lesson 5:
New Business or Career Ritual.
Learn how to make your own money sigil.
You will be amazed at the results!
Receive your lessons immediately after purchase!
$Just 79.00!
Ritual Practice – Money Manifesting