Ritual Practice With Carmel Joy Baird
I have created a series of lessons to broaden the conversation about ritual healing as a response to everything we are shifting through. We need Magick and rituals more now, than ever!
It's time to get back to our roots and back to the rights and rituals we have had for centuries.
We got so ahead of ourselves with technology that we've lost somethings along the way.
While much of ritual is intuitive, there are important foundational models and principles that determine how effective a healing ritual is.
You don't have to be a Witch, a Medium or a Psychic to perform this rituals. Just being here and being an intuitive human being is birthright enough to perform and engage them in your day to day life.
These teachings will deepen your knowledge and strengthen your skills for creating healing rituals for yourself and others.
I hope you find them useful.
With love, Carmel
Spiritual Spring Cleaning for Today's World!
In these times we are hearing statements like …"you have to level up" or " unleash your power within". But the truth is you can't level up, unleash or begin to create the life you want to live, if you don't CLEAN it out, first and foremost!
Have you ever tried putting on your hair and makeup and you haven't showered in a week and have been in the dust and dirt for days?
It's not a good feeling.
But let me tell you that Spring Cleaning is the BEST feeling and it's not just something that you need to do to your home, but for your Spirit as well!
Join me for the Spring Cleaning ritual where I'll teach you how to make the perfect spell to wash your home, your business or your property and then take it one step further and give you the perfect Spring Cleaning ritual for your soul!
Go step by step with Carmel through 5 video lessons as she teaches you step by step exactly how to create the perfect mix of herbs and Magick to clean from the inside out this Spring!

Are you…

Struggling financially and feeling blocked with your success?
Struggling with an icky feeling in your home or work space?
Feeling like you are exhausted all the time but no idea why?
Wanting to feel more joy and experience happiness more often?
Wondering why you aren't sleeping well?
Experiencing nausea, vertigo or achy all the time?

5 Video Lessons!
Lesson 1: The Magick of the cleanse!
Lesson 2: The clean before the clean.
Lesson 3: The Mix.
Lesson 4: The wash and crystals.
Bonus! Learn how to throw the bones & watch as Carmel does a Universal Bones reading for everyone who's purchased this course! What does 2021 have in store for you?!
Easy to follow steps!
Each step is done via video lesson with clear explanation!
Learn how to make and throw the bones! Watch as Carmel does a Universal Bones reading in this unique bonus lesson!
What does this year have in store for you?!
Regular $79.00!

For $1.23 per day,
this spiritual program helps you work on yourself
at your own pace.
Many of us are spending a few hundred dollars each month on new clothes, your hair, your nails, escaping reality with a trip to the movies…
For the low cost of less than the price of a coffee every day, you can work on yourself from the inside out!
Ritual Practice – Spiritual Spring Cleaning Mix