I have created a series of lessons to broaden the conversation about ritual healing as a response to everything we have been and are continuing to shift through. We need Magick and rituals more now, than ever!
It's time to get back to our roots and back to the rights and rituals we have had for centuries. We got so ahead of ourselves with technology that we lost some things along the way.
While much of ritual is intuitive, there are important foundational models and principles that determine how effective a healing ritual is for you.
You don't have to be a Witch, a Medium or a Psychic to perform these rituals. Just being an intuitive human being is birthright enough to perform and engage them in your day to day life.
These teachings will deepen your knowledge and strengthen your skills for creating healing rituals for yourself and others.
I hope you find them useful.
With love,

Cord Cutting

When the world began to change Carmel knew, she had to change with it.
Rituals that once were done by visualizing and meditation now need to be amped up and taken to another level!
A cord cutting ritual is an energetic process where you're able to cut the energetic ties that somebody has to you. Every time you have a connection with any other human, whether it's a quick conversation or a deeper relationship, you form esoteric cords between you and that person. These energetic cords can form in romantic relationships, friendships, family, acquaintances and even things and situations in your life that can hold you back.
As we move through our lives - growing, learning, evolving - we must let go of that which no longer serves us. When we let go, we create space. This space is that of potential and possibility.
This cord cutting course is all done via video and is ready to view right after purchase!
Go step by step with Carmel through 8 video lessons as she teaches you lesson by lesson exactly how to cut cords away from that which no longer serves you.
Are you...?
Struggling financially and feeling blocked with your success?
Struggling with health issues and wondering how to let them go?
Feeling like an ex is draining you emotionally or still blocking you in your life?
Wanting to move on from a job but can't seem to find a new one?
Wondering what's holding you back in love, life, success or relationships?

This cord cutting ritual is not only life changing but will take you step by step through how you can apply this in ALL and any aspects of your life.
So much so that the next day you may even feel different, lighter and more free after this is done!
8 Video Lessons!
Lesson 1
The Book & Why.
Lesson 2
The 4 Elements - Crucial to rituals.
Lesson 3
Decision Time.
Lesson 4
Choices & Then More Choices.
Lesson 5
Set Up with Spirit.
Lesson 6
Ready - Set - Go.
Lesson 7
The Reading in The Ritual.
Lesson 8
Disassemble and Pray.

8 Easy to follow lessons!

Each Lesson is done via video with clear explanation and an example to follow.
Ritual Practice – Cord Cutting