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Coming Into Your Senses

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Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $39.00.

Coming Into Your Senses
Online Course


The perfect course to help you navigate the world in 2025

We are often only taught that we have five senses, but in truth …there are six.

As the world is going through increasingly turbulent times, you may sense consciousness is accelerating. You may sense your psychic and intuitive capabilities being more fully activated in response to the energetic and powerful shifts upon us.

This is your sixth sense, your most important sense, trying to get your attention so you can wake up and be prepared.

Carmel smudge 4

The perfect course to help you navigate the World in 2025!!

Coming into Your Senses is a 4 week online course designed to activate your intuitive abilities and initiate your capacities to make sound decisions and choices for yourself and for your family in 2025.

This online program is designed to help give you a sense of control and comfort knowing that you have resources you can tap into right now to guide you.

This four-part series will help you switch-on your sixth sense awareness by attuning you directly to your physic and spiritual connections that are individual to each of us.

4 Lessons!

  • Lesson 1:

    Exploring and discovering the wisdom and gifts of your intuition.

  • Lesson 2:

    At home, at work and in all your relationships.

  • Lesson 3:

    Making sound and healthy decisions when things feel out of control around you.

  • Lesson 4:

    Trusting your intuition, even when others around you don’t.

Will Universe Remember Me series. Backdrop composed of human face and fractal smoke nebula and suitable for use in the projects on human mind, imagination, memory and dreams

This 4 week program will:

  • Illuminate clarity.
  • Build confidence.
  • Accelerate your capacity.
  • Give you clear guidance and trust.

More now than ever, it’s time to take control and use the gifts you have to bring clarity and answers into your day to day life, when you need them the most.

Course begins March 26th!

Receive your first lesson on March 26th and each week for 4 weeks!

Coming Into Your Senses

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $39.00.