The Big Birthday Event!
May 30th to June 6th
What if birthdays were less about getting presents and getting older and more about making the world a better place and giving back?
June is a big birthday month in my family. Dave, Chris, Keghan, Gracie and I are all celebrating our birthdays this month. As I was planning the various birthday celebrations for the month, I couldn’t help but think of a way to celebrate and give back to you too.
And so…my Big Birthday Event is dedicated to you!
You the person who follows me and my family along on this crazy journey called life. You the person who is on this page looking for messages, connection, healing, and grace. You the person who wants to develop your intuition and trust Spirit.
And you the person who is looking for all the same things I am in this lifetime. Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Balance. ❤️
As a special gift from me to you, anyone who makes a purchase in the Big Birthday Event will receive a free Postcard from Heaven mini reading!
Thank you for being so amazing and remember …age is just a number.
Keep scrolling for all the details!

Free Bonus with Purchase!
Every purchase in the Big Birthday Event will receive a free Postcard from Heaven mini reading!
Receive a postcard message from your loved one on the other side!
Postcards from Heaven is a deck of cards Carmel created in honour and memory of her Grandma and Grandpa.
They had both passed away when she was in her late 20’s and she wanted nothing more than a way to communicate and connect with them. She needed something tangible and real to make sure they were with her. Something that took her ego out of it, and just gave her a clear message from Spirit.These cards were the perfect answer and a deck of cards that she uses even to this day to connect with her own Mom and Dad and all of her loved ones who have crossed.❤️
Each card was channelled by connecting with her Guides in Spirit and finding out the messages that loved ones wanted to pass along to those of us who are still here.
Before you hit play on your postcard reading please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and you will know that this is a message from them, just for you!
Receive your free Postcard from Heaven mini reading via email on or before June 30th!
*Limit one bonus free reading per customer*
Tea Leaf Fortune Mini Reading

What messages do the Tea Leaves have for you?
For Carmel’s birthday, in honour of her Nana who was a tea leaf reader, she is offering this never before offered new mini reading using her Tea Leaf Fortune oracle deck!
The drinking of tea and the reading of the leaves is a type of psychic reading that has been used for centuries and one of the earliest forms of fortune telling. It is the art of reading the leaves and the patterns they create that bring messages of guidance and direction to the client.
Using this special deck of round cards designed to resemble a teacup with the symbol found in the tea leaves in the center, Carmel will draw three cards for letting you know your past, your present and what’s coming up for you in your future. Find out what messages and guidance Spirit and the tea leaves have for you!
How does it work?
- Carmel will be given your name, connect with your energy and your team on the other side to draw three cards for you.
- Carmel will record an audio mini reading for you letting you know what cards you received and what they mean specifically for you!
- Your personal audio is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before June 30th.
Birthdays in Heaven Mini Reading

What message do you have for your loved ones in Spirit?
Birthdays In Heaven!
Do you have a loved one having a birthday that just passed, this month or coming up soon. What a great way to connect with them on their birthday or your birthday! This mini reading is for you!
Carmel will connect with your chosen loved one and pass on to them your special message you have for them. You can also ask them one question, or you can leave it open for Carmel to deliver whatever message your loved one has for you at this special time.
A special connection with your loved one for a special moment of celebration on this side and the other!
How does it work?
- You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to a form to fill out with the loved one you would like Carmel to connect with, the special message you would like Carmel to pass on to them and your question you would like to ask your loved one.
- Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and connect with your loved one to deliver them your message of love and answer your question.
- Carmel will record your personal audio mini reading with the message your loved one has for you, answering your question you have for them and passing on the messages they have for you at this time.
- Your personal audio is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before June 30th.
The Truth Online Course
Discover who you really are.

Learn the 4 Keys to Life!
Back for a limited Time!
The Truth is the first online course Carmel ever created that takes you through the 4 keys to life. Love, Peace, Forgiveness, and balance and how you can master them all to uncover you who truly are!
Finding your truth is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself in this lifetime. Discover who you really are and begin your healing journey today!
This course that has a special place in Carmel’s heart and her special gift to you in her Big Birthday Event at just $19.00!
Awaken Your Spirit Online Course
Level 1 in Carmel's 4 Level Series.

Awaken your Spirit today!
Awaken Your Spirit is Carmel's level one course that was created to lead others to discover the world of intuition and spirit! This course has helped hundreds of students over the years who then went on to use their intuition to help themselves and others.
An online course that teaches you everything you'll need to know to begin giving readings for yourself, family & friends.
Powerful tools that can help cure those suffering with panic and anxiety and can help you with fear of the unknown and creating balance in your life.
This course is for everyone! Beginners will learn everything Carmel learned step by step along the way. Advanced students will be amazed at the amount of new knowledge they will gain. There are so many new tools that you will learn to help enhance your life and your readings!
Sharing the gift of developing your intuition is Carmel’s gift to you today!
Your Soul's Purpose Online Course
Discover your soul's purpose in this lifetime!

Do you know your purpose?
Carmel knows how frustrating it is to sense that you could be doing more with yourself and your life but just don't know how.
It took her many years of spiritual growth and stumbling around in the dark before she discovered what my soul’s purpose was, and she wishes she knew many years before!
Carmel has spent the last 20 years searching for something that she believes we all have the ability to find. Our true authentic self. And now this info is available as a comprehensive online course that you can take at our own pace in the comfort of your own home.
Each and every one of us has a purpose. When you know your purpose and are working on it, you will feel happier and healthier. Your life becomes harmonious, abundant, and fulfilling and all aspects of your life improve.
Discover your soul's purpose in this life changing course that will set you on your path to freedom, fulfillment, and happiness!

Free Bonus with Purchase!
Every purchase in the Big Birthday Event will receive a free Postcard from Heaven mini reading!
Receive a postcard message from your loved one on the other side!
Postcards from Heaven is a deck of cards Carmel created in honour and memory of her Grandma and Grandpa.
They had both passed away when she was in her late 20’s and she wanted nothing more than a way to communicate and connect with them. She needed something tangible and real to make sure they were with her. Something that took her ego out of it, and just gave her a clear message from Spirit.These cards were the perfect answer and a deck of cards that she uses even to this day to connect with her own Mom and Dad and all of her loved ones who have crossed.❤️
Each card was channelled by connecting with her Guides in Spirit and finding out the messages that loved ones wanted to pass along to those of us who are still here.
Before you hit play on your postcard reading please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and you will know that this is a message from them, just for you!
Receive your free Postcard from Heaven mini reading via email on or before June 30th!
*Limit one bonus free reading per customer*