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Super Psychic Sale

Super Psychic Sale!


Hello Friends,

When tough times come, that’s when we want guidance the most. We need answers and direction. ASAP.

 Over the last few months, myself and my daughter Melissa have been hearing from many of our friends and clients that they are struggling. They keep asking ..” Is 2019 the year of lessons or what’s happening?”

It’s hard when you’re looking for direction and answers and feel you have no one who can help.

Even though uncertainty and challenges might be happening right now, rest assured that your Spiritual Team is always with you and Melissa and I want to help.

Our first Super Psychic sale has some feature readings that we know will help bring you the answers that you need most right now!

Scroll down for all the details,

All our love,

Carmel and Melissa Baird xo

Time has run out…

Sorry, this sale is now over.

New Reading! Just Added! 

Through her own personal healing journey, Carmel came to realize that there are four keys to mastering your sixth sense and living a stress-free lifestyle.

These keys are:

Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Balance.

 Finding your truth is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself in this lifetime.

In her newest reading, Carmel will tell you where you need to bring in more love, where you can achieve more peace, how you can find forgiveness and what exactly are you missing when it comes to finding true balance?

It took Carmel years to get there… but now she’s created this reading to help you so you can easily and readily navigate the path to finding your true authentic self!

Regular: $149.00

Super Psychic Sale: $99.00

Please note:

***If you have made a previous purchase in the Super Psychic Sale, please check your email for an exclusive coupon code!***

[modal-product-button productid=”135735″]Purchase your 4 Keys Reading![/modal-product-button]



Reading #1

Knowledge is Power Reading

The saying ‘Knowledge is power’ is a popular proverb. It means that having knowledge is more powerful than physical strength and that no great work can be done without knowledge.

Knowledge empowers you!

The more knowledge you gain, the more powerful you become!

Receive a Four Card Intuitive Guidance Reading from Carmel Joy Baird 


A 30 minute Private In Person or Phone Reading with Melissa Joy Baird


First, Carmel will connect with your Team on the other side pull four cards for you to give you the guidance you need most at this time. You will receive an audio message via email from Carmel letting you know what four cards were chosen and what this means for you in your life. 




Then, receive a 30-minute private phone or in person reading with her daughter, Melissa Joy Baird. Melissa has been reading for clients all over the world for several years now. She will connect with your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones on the other side to give you the answers to your questions.

Super Psychic Sale: $150.00

[modal-product-button productid=”134904″]Purchase A Knowledge is Power Reading[/modal-product-button]


Reading #2

Channelled Messages From Your Guides

Many of us have experienced a spontaneous action that made no sense at the time but turned out to be exactly what we needed at the perfect moment. We scratch our heads and think, “what made me do/say that?” This is one of your spirit guides stepping in to help you in some facet of your life!

For this Reading Carmel and Melissa will come together to channel your Guides to give you the Meditation, Affirmation and Messages from your Guides you need to hear right now!

You will receive:

One channelled Meditation picked just for you for what you need right now.


One channelled Affirmation just for you that you need in your life right now.


A personal audio message from Carmel & Melissa channelled from your guides.


Super Psychic Sale: $99.00

[modal-product-button productid=”134910″]Purchase A Messages From Your Guides Reading[/modal-product-button]

Reading #3

Trust Psychic Reading – What you need to know


Trust Carmel to channel Spirit to deliver what you need to know right now!

For this reading, Carmel will be given only your first name. She will channel directly from Spirt whatever Spirit wants you to know right now! This two-minute audio will be filled with the knowledge and information you need directly from Spirit. 

Click here to listen to a sample audio of this reading. 


Super Psychic Sale: $49.00

[modal-product-button productid=”134935″]Purchase A Trust Psychic Reading[/modal-product-button]

Reading #4

Available for a limited time in limited quantities!

Do you have a situation or struggle right now in your life that you need some answers to and just can’t wait!

We can help. We have not 1, not 3, but 3 amazing Psychics standing by to answer your question!

Carmel knows that there are so many people across the globe that just needed an answer to many of life’s challenges and struggles and it just can’t wait.

Carmel has recruited 2 other Psychics to work this program with her. That means you won’t get just one answer, you’ll get 3 answers to your 1 question from Carmel AND …2 other amazing Psychics!

The answer to your question will be an audio clip (3 of them) that will be sent directly to your email for you to download to any device.

You Just Can’t Wait…

Do you have questions you need answers to?

  • Will my house sell?
  • Will the job work out or not?
  • Am I having children in this lifetime?
  • Will I find true love?
  • Will I be ok financially?

911 – Ask The Psychics has Carmel as the primary Psychic to answer your question, but her reply won’t be the only one.

Carmel only works with Psychics she trusts and believes can deliver accurate, in-depth information like her!

The answers will all come at the same time in 3 separate audios. The Psychics will be in 3 different locations and work on your question separately with their Guides.

This reading is 100% specifically for you!

That’s 3 audio answers to your question and clear guidance and direction given from Carmel herself, and 2 other outstanding Psychics she’s chosen and trusts completely!

911 Readings Now Available for a limited time!

Super Psychic Sale: $149.00

[modal-product-button productid=”134946″] Purchase your 911 Reading![/modal-product-button]

Reading #5

Psychic Guidance Webinar Readings

Carmel & Melissa bring you the guidance you need!

So many People want to have a focused reading that places the emphasis on what’s going on right now in their lives!

Experience a LIVE webinar reading with Carmel Baird and her daughter Melissa Baird! They will be live in the webinar giving those present a psychic guidance reading.

They will pull 4 cards for you in the webinar for your Past – Present – Future – Distant Future!

You will be live with Carmel and Melissa, witness it all and speak directly to them in the webinar from the comfort of your own home! You will even have the opportunity to ask a direct question! The webinar is recorded and you will receive a link to view it the following day!

Join 8 people in a small group and receive the psychic guidance you need in your life right now! Choose your date!

Super Psychic Sale: $99.00

[modal-product-button productid=”135137″] Book your spot![/modal-product-button]

Purchase all 5 readings in one package and save!

You will receive:

Reading #1

Knowledge is Power Reading

Reading #2

Channelled Messages From Your Guides

Reading #3

Trust Psychic Reading – What you need to know

Reading #4

911 – Ask the Psychics!

Reading #5

Psychic Guidance Webinar Reading

Receive all 5 Readings for just $499.00  Save$47.00!

Super Psychic Sale: $499.00

[modal-product-button productid=”135141″] Purchase all 5 Readings![/modal-product-button]