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Summer Sale Event!

July 4th to 11th

Summer is here!

Summer is my favourite season and it’s worth celebrating!  It’s time to get outside and enjoy the sun, to connect with nature, our inner spirit and a time one of the best times of year for manifesting.  I am so excited to feature my upcoming in person workshops that will teach you all about using the energy of the moon and help you grow and expand your knowledge as an intuitive.  

I am now accepting applications for my fall session of my School of Certified Mediumship Training and offering the biggest discount for this session for those lucky applicants who receive early acceptance. 

Scroll below for all the details!

Carmel 2

Apply Now to join the Fall Session!
What Is School of Certified Mediumship?

School of Certified Mediumship is released at select times throughout the year. Each session Carmel adds new and amazing features to the program. It's a course that never stays the same and keeps advancing. This crammed pack program is 14 weeks of modules and each one contains several lessons in every module. The modules are a video and audio based training program that will give you the tools and confidence you need to immerse yourself into the world of Spirit. You'll learn to give readings and loving messages to clients all over the world.

With Certified Mediumship Training there is also a 30-day practicum to provide you with your certification, Carmel's stamp of approval, that shows you have earned the status of being an incredible medium who can say to the world …you're Certified

That's not all…included in the School of Certified Mediumship training program is business training! This training is creative, intuitive, spiritually guided and gives business owners strategies to have a more successful, established business with a stronger online presence. Carmel admits she made several mistakes with her business in the beginning but she also made some huge wins. She will teach you all of the dos and don'ts, ins and outs of creating a successful spiritually-minded business to help you heal the world with thousands of clients at a time!

Whether you're an experienced medium or one that is just dipping their toes in the waters, this program will take you to new heights with your Mediumship abilities and your business! Carmel is here to help you step by step to learn everything she did along the way.

Unlike Any Other Mediumship Training!

** Exclusive Content**

You'll learn how to connect to Spirit but more importantly how to keep the connection strong, clear and healthy for you and the Spirit on the other side. This is a complete program teaching you the business side of Spirit as well!

There are 14 core weekly learning Modules, that contain video and audio lessons, audio meditations, and homework.

At the end of these 14 weeks, you are able to do a 30-day practicum that works with your schedule, and at your own pace. This will ensure you receive the certification certificate. This certificate lets your clients know you have learned from a reputable world renowned Medium who has taught you to be a professional and how to clearly connect to the other side.

The practicum can be done at any time whenever you're ready!

Module 1:

Lesson 1: You're a Medium

Stepping into who you truly are and laying down a solid foundation.

Lesson 2: Spiritual Yet Profitable Business

Set a solid foundation and know what you want!

Lesson 3: You're gonna wanna!

10 things you're going to want to do right away …but shouldn't!

Module 2:

Lesson 1: Connecting With The Other Side 

Learn hot to receive a clear, accurate and loving messages from Spirits.

Lesson 2: Stepping Out With Spirit 

It's time to come out of the closet and let the world know who you and what your business is about!

Lesson 3: It's in the whispers.

Interpreting the subtle differences between mediumship messages and your personal thoughts and feelings.

Module 3:

Lesson 1: Team Spirit 

Calling on your team to help with your development is key!

 Lesson 2: Let Your Spirit Speak 

How to advertise and build an online presence.

Lesson 3: Meditation for your Senses.

Receive a brand new, never before released meditation from Melissa Joy Baird to awaken your senses on your mediumship journey.

Module 4:

Lesson 1: Building Trust 

The biggest struggle Mediums have is trust. Learn how to have all the confidence in your messages and Spirit

Lesson 2: Online & Loving it

Reach beyond your backyard online. Create new business products and ideas

Lesson 3: Letting go.

Let go of self-doubt for good and deepen your connection to Spirit.

Module 5:

Lesson 1: Group Readings 

Learn how to connect with Spirit while in a group of people

Lesson 2: The Market For Spirit 

Setting prices, limits and marketing principles 

Lesson 3: Free from judgement.

How to free yourself from those who may not support you on your journey.

Module 6:

Lesson 1: A Call To Service

Missing person cases, lost items and more

Lesson 2: List Building & Offers

Create a mailing list, newsletter do's and don'ts and the secret to sales

Lesson 3: The emotions of missing person cases.

The emotional aspects of missing person cases, how to disconnect and set boundaries with Spirit and clients in missing person cases.

Module 7:

Lesson 1: Life As A Medium

The Ins and outs of life as a medium

Lesson 2: Spiritual Lessons 

How to not get lost along the way

Lesson 3: Living your life with Spirit.

How to balance your connection to Spirit on your new journey.

Module 8:

Lesson 1: FAQs Of A Medium 

Carmel answers the questions she receives most about being a medium!

Lesson 2: Business FAQs

Carmel answers her most frequently asked questions about business!

Lesson 3: The Witch within us all.

How to use the moon, nature, and the elements in your readings and your life.

Module 9:

Lesson 1: Health As A Medium

Some very specific things to be aware of as you better the world of spirit, taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Lesson 2: Additional Training 

How to plan and execute a successful event live and online! 

Lesson 3: Managing your energy.

How to balance your energy and the energy of Spirit. Carmel's personal tips for staying balanced and healthy on your mediumship journey.

Module 10:

Lesson 1: Mastering Investigations

A more in-depth look into learning to work directly with law enforcement and investigators to assist in solving crimes no matter how old they are.

Lesson 2: How to Handle the Skeptics   

Carmel's advice on handling the Skeptics. To each, thine own self be true!

Lesson 3: Living your truth.

Finding your path and staying true to you through your journey.

Module 11:

Lesson 1: Bonus Training

Living as a Medium in the 21st Century can be a challenge. We are surrounded by those who are awakening, as well as those who are in complete denial about the shift that is taking place.

Lesson 2: Burn Out

How to recognize it and what to do when/if it happens.

How to maintain balance in friendships and healthy boundaries.

Lesson 3: Burn out Boot Camp

10 things you can do to help yourself as soon as you feel you are beginning to burn out.

Module 12:

Lesson 1: Your Online Business

How to have and create 100% Online business for Psychics & Mediums

Lesson 2: Guidance for You 

The best way Mediums can receive guidance for themselves

Lesson 3: Social Media Do's and Dont's

How to handle your business and personal social media accounts.

Module 13:

Lesson 1: The Biggest Mistakes

The top 20 biggest mistakes Mediums make

Lesson 2: 2020 and Beyond

A new world for empaths and Mediums

Lesson 3: What you need to know for 2023!

Carmel shares messages a from her guides for 2023 and beyond.

Module 14:

Lesson 1: Go Time 

Begin your 30 day practicum to receive certification

Lesson 2: Taking It To The Street 

Applying all you've learned and 10 secrets to success you NEVER want to forget

Lesson 3: Tips for completing your practicum.

Carmel shares her personal tips for completing each step in your 30-Day Practicum.

Live Training Webinars!

90 min Monthly webinars with Carmel and/or a special guest Facilitator.

Join Carmel or one of her approved facilitators and other students for a monthly mediumship practice webinar. This webinar will be an opportunity for you to practice and do hands on exercises live in the webinar.

Ask questions, connect with like-minded others, and exercise your intuitive and mediumship muscles with other students as you develop your skills and grow your abilities.

That's Not All!

4 Other Courses Included in This Program!

*30 Day Practicum is completed on your own schedule and at your own pace*

"May 23, 2022 at 5_33_34 PM" from Simple Recorder by carmelbaird.

Turning your gift into your life's mission of helping others and owning a profitable Spiritual business is what this entire program will offer you!

Personal coaching with Carmel!

Each week throughout your program you may submit a check in to Carmel for accountability and assessment. This is a great time to personally ask Carmel any questions and address your progress and learning. Carmel will send back a personal audio to you via email with the answers to your personal questions as well as she may also suggest some additional homework for you to keep you engaged in the program.

New for this Session!

Added Bonus!

Receive a Personal Audio Mini Reading from Carmel at the end of your program!

Ask Carmel anything and find out what Spirit has to say! Choose to connect with a specific loved one on the others, a guide or angel to ask for their specific advice. You may ask up to three questions about anything!

Direct guidance from the other side on your new journey!

Book of Answers Mini Reading

How Does It Work?

This training program is released in weekly modules within your private online member area of the website.

You will receive new lessons each week .

Each Lesson is filled with step-by-step training videos, discovery homework sheets and a section that's called "Carmel's Tips". Carmel gives you the exact company or location she uses for her products, services etc. You can watch and learn from your computer, or download your training to your tablet or mobile device. It can go anywhere and is yours for life!

When Can I Watch My Modules Weekly?

You'll receive access to new modules each week over the course of the fifteen-week program.

School of Certified Mediumship is not just an online course, it's an experience that Carmel hopes will be life-changing for you. Step by step guiding you through to a new way of life and a successful spiritually-minded business.

The training modules have been carefully designed so that you complete each Module, one a week of Mediumship Training and one a week of spiritual business training, and complete the discovery sheets that go with them. We hope this will set you up to succeed!

Remember, once you complete the full program, you'll get lifetime access and can revisit the modules in any order you like, as often as you like!

Learn Easy And Smart!

Some people find sitting in front of long drawn out learning videos is tiresome and carmel computerthey can lose interest or not retain the information. This is why Carmel has broken up the videos in each module. Easy for you to understand and you can get up and "shake it off" between lessons and then come back for more! Each video/audio lesson is 5-15 minutes long. Carmel wants you to learn, be inspired and not lose any bit of the details!

Can I Learn At My Own Pace?


As a new student, you'll go through the course as it's released over 14 weeks. We, more than anybody, understand that life happens!

That's why if you're getting married, having a baby, travelling around the world, or dealing with any big life events, you don't have to worry about "falling behind." Every student gets lifetime access to School of Certified Mediumship.

This means, you can retake (yes we said retake!) the program for as long as it's in existence. The training materials are yours to keep, forever. You can revisit and review them at any time you wish!

At the end of your program, you will be invited to complete a 30 Day Practicum with several steps to receive your certification. Don't feel ready? No worries, there are no time limits, your practicum can be completed at any time whenever you are ready!  We are always here to support you along the way. This is your journey and we want you to work at the pace that works best for you!

You also receive any new content added to the program with each new session!

Continue learning and growing as the program expands each year!

This is your life, only you can decide what you want to do with it!

The person who wants to help heal the world! On behalf of myself, Team Baird, and some of my previous mentees and students, we sincerely hope to have the honour and privilege of working with you soon!

One Payment of $1797.00


3 monthly Payments of $599.00

**Please note: Payment must be made and registration completed within 24 hours of your application acceptance.**

School of Certified Mediumship Banner

New This Year!

** Acceptance by Application Only**

Apply to Join!

Applications are now being accepted.

As of 2024 Certified Mediumship Training is now an application only program.
This means you must apply to be accepted.
Please be prepared at the time of submitting your application to join the program.
Once accepted you have within 48 hours to complete the registration and join.

Click the button to apply now.

In Person Course!

Moons & Magick


River Lane Ranch

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the energy of the moon and how you can channel that energy to shift your life?

This July 20th, I am hosting an in person event called, Moons and Magick, right at my home, River Lane Ranch.

Spend the day with me learning how to use the energy of the moon for healing, abundance, clarity, romance, and so much more!

Carmel crystal chair
Carmel river

Learn the history of how our ancestors first discovered the importance of the moon, and how it’s played a huge role for Healers and Psychics.

Discover how you can use each new moon and full moon uniquely to embark on a soul-awakening experience of self-discovery.

Find out how you can host your own moon ceremonies with friends or clients.

Gain an understanding of plant medicine and how to incorporate them into your ceremonies.

Learn about grids and the power of altars that you can create each new and full moon.

When: Saturday, July 20th

Where: River Lane Ranch

Located at 2222 137 ave NE, Edmonton, AB

Time: 10am – 4pm

You will be provided with all supplies for all lessons.

Please bring your own comfortable chair. 

Bring your own lunch and join us for a picnic!


Moons & Magick at River Lane Ranch product

Moons and Magick In Person

Limited Spots Remaining
Just $349.00

In Person Course!

A Day of Development


River Lane Ranch

Sunday, July 21st, 2024

This July 21st, for the first time in many years I will be offering a day of development at River Lane Ranch.

No matter where you are on your journey this is a day to surround yourself with like minded others. A safe space to learn, grow and expand your knowledge as an intuitive.

I’ll be sharing my personal journey with you, along with the new downloads and lessons I’ve received from Spirit these past few years.

We’ll be doing hands on exercises, advanced mediumship, and discussing the challenges for intuitives now living in a world that’s much different than our it was for our ancestors.

You’ll learn new ways to read for clients, how powerful your gifts really are, and have lots of opportunities to ask me questions and gain insight.

Carmel new fall 4

When: Sunday, July 21st

Where: River Lane Ranch

Located at 2222 137 ave NE, Edmonton, AB

Time: 10am – 4pm

You will be provided with all supplies for all lessons.

Please bring your own comfortable chair. 

Bring your own lunch and join us for a picnic!



A Day of Development at RLR

LImited Spots Remaining
Just $349.00

2024 Moons & Manifesting

Online Course

It’s no secret to Carmel’s followers and fans that she loves the moon and has been using the energy of the New and Full Moon each month for many years.

The energy of the moon has amplified her manifestations, helped her to release what doesn’t serve her or her family, and build strong connections with Spirit.

The moon and her Mothering energy has been helping men and women since the beginning of time.

Considering the moon controls the tides and about 60% of the adult human body is water (the brain and heart are 73 percent), it would make sense to wonder how the stages of the moon affect us and ultimately how they can help us.

carmel crystal hands
2024 Moons & Manifesting

In this amazing program, Carmel shares with you every new moon and full moon ritual and practice that she has for each moon through 2024.

You’ll also learn about what phase the moon’s in and how you may be feeling or how things around you may be affecting you.

You’ll be manifesting things you never knew were possible and opening doors to possibilities that maybe you may have even given up on.

Receive all of the rituals for each new and full moon Carmel has performed so far this year as well as all of her personal rituals through the rest of 2024!

The new moon is for fresh starts and new beginnings. Each new moon you wil learn a new ritual that applies directly to the new moon we are in at that time.

You’ll receive your audio a few days before the new moon so if you need any supplies, you have plenty of time to get them.

These hands-on rituals and exercises are easy, grounding and set to spiritually connect you on so many levels.

Then the full moon which we all know is no joke.

Some of the craziest times of in our lives have happened on full moons. We bet you can agree to that one.

Emotions run high on full moons, and everything is extra intense so this is a great time for Carmel to share with you her full moon rituals and guidance specific to the year 2024 and the moon and phase we’re in.

This program is for anyone who loves manifesting & anyone who wants to change things by harnessing the most amazing natural source of energy they can imagine!

Make the rest of 2024 your best year yet and begin manifesting your dreams with Carmel on the July 5th New Moon!


Carmel herbs

2024 Moons and Manifesting

Regular: $199.00
Summer Sale Event Just $99.00!