
Personal Audio Readings

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Spirits Inner Circle

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The Witches Circle

Intuition U

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Remembering When Event

Remembering when.



November 11th to 16th

You’re Not Alone …

My Remembering When Event has been created to give you the readings and messages that will let you know that your loved ones are not as far away as you think, and they can still guide you from heaven.

It’s no secret that the world has become a stressful, noisy and opinionated place. There are so many opinions and judgments that it’s difficult to know which way to turn or how to move through our day to day lives.

But if you can remember, there was a time that not only did our ancestors have to navigate themselves through a world-wide pandemic, but they also had to go to war. No matter how good you had it or how bad you had it, it didn’t matter. In those war filled, pandemic times… we were all the same.

During this pandemic I have connected often with my Nanna (my great grandmother) to guide me. As not only did she lose her husband and son to the Spanish flu, but she went on to serve in the military, as did my grandma (her daughter) and my grandpa, along with many other ancestors.

The guidance and answers I was given have not only helped me but made me realize that you need to talk to your ancestors and loved ones also.

Though it is not possible for me at this time to offer full private readings, I am offering some mini audio readings in this event that I know will pack the biggest punch of guidance and insight that you need.

Keep scrolling below for all the details.

Carmel xo

P.S. One of my ancestor altar boxes that has been handmade by me, will be given away for free. Every purchase will get you an entry to win this special one of a kind box shipped directly to you for FREE!

Each item purchased in the Remembering When Sale Event and be entered to win this Ancestor Altar box that was handmade by Carmel, and set with the intention to connect you with your loved one in Spirit. Order more than one item and be entered for each item purchased!
This special box comes with an Angel card, Crystal, tea light, poppy and a little key to open the door to heaven. 
There’s room for you to place your own photos and memories of your loved one inside.
Winner will be announced and notified on Wednesday, November 17th!

Remember when…

Remembering When Reading


Carmel Joy Baird

I believe that we all have past lives. In fact, we have many of them.

Though most of us don’t remember them, but we may be triggered by phobias or fears that we have brought forward into this lifetime.

What was one of your past lives? You have several…let me tell you one or if you’ve had this reading before, let me tell you another one.

Memories, feelings and trauma from these lives can affect us today. Learning about them brings healing and the power to move forward.

Like a glimpse through a window of time, Carmel will connect with your Higher Self and tell you who you were in a past life and what fears or phobias you may have brought with you into this lifetime with you.

You may hear things like…

  • You were a witch in a previous lifetime
  • You are afraid of ____ because of _____.
  • You still carry the trauma from _____ because _____ happened.
  • Your phobia you brought with you is?
  • You did ____ in this lifetime that’s blocking you now.

Click here and listen to Carmel give a sample, Remembering When Reading! 

Just $49.00!

Sorry, all sold out.

[modal-product-button productid=”165084″]Purchase Your Reading![/modal-product-button]

**Please note these readings are very limited. Your reading is expected to be completed on or before December 15, 2021.** 

Remember when…

These are an all-time favourite mini reading of Carmel’s Clients.

In this reading Carmel will connect with your loved one the other side using the photo you provide and the energy of your name.

Here is how it works:

  • You will be able to submit a question, or you can leave it open for your loved one to deliver whatever messages they know you need most at this time. 
  • Carmel will focus on receiving the answer from the Spirit while giving you peace and confirmation that they are really with you.
  • She will also ask your loved one what their sign for you is at this time. The signs from them can change from time to time, so it’s nice to have accurate clear guidance directly from them telling you what to watch for to know they are with you.
  • These mini-audio readings are recorded and emailed directly to you!

All you need to do:

  • You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to submit your information with the name of your loved one, the relationship they are to you, your question for them and upload your photo. 
  • Fill in your information and submit your form.
  • Carmel will be given your name, your photo and the name and relationship of your loved one and the question you have for them.
  • She will record the reading and your mini-audio reading message is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before December 15, 2021.

Click here to listen to a sample Photo Reading

Just $79.00!

Sorry, all sold out.

[modal-product-button productid=”29506″]Purchase Your Reading![/modal-product-button]

**Please note these readings are very limited. Your reading is expected to be completed on or before December 15, 2021.** 

Remember when…


The Witches Circle is an online school with a monthly enrolment that will not only help you develop, learn, grow and expand your knowledge and gifts, It will also connect you with like-minded others who will are on a similar path and journey as you.

This is the school of the future!

The school that was taken from us long ago and is back now to help change the world.

There was a time that the passing down of healing, spells, manifestations, meditations, mediumship, prayers and herbal remedies was normal and what those who wanted to develop their gifts did to grow, learn and share joy and abundance in this lifetime.




Learn to work with herbs and discover their healing.

Learn about meditation and connecting with Mother Earth.




Discover your power within and learn to use your gifts.

Who is this School for?


This school is for anyone who sees themselves as an intuitive being.



It is a school for Mediums, Psychics and Intuitives.



It is a school for Witches, Healers and Empaths.



And likely if you are reading this…it is a school for you!


This is not for those who do not believe in the power of intuition.


This not for those who are sceptical of Witches, Shaman, Medicine Women, Healers, Empaths and intuition.


This is not for those who are stuck in their ego. 



This is not for those who think this is woo woo.

What does the School include?




You will have full access to every online course that has ever been written and developed by Carmel Joy Baird (This excludes all programs and certification programs such as Certified Mediumship Training and Blue Seal Medium).




You will receive access to all new CJB online courses as they are released. You’ll never need to purchase any new courses when they come out as they will be automatically added to this program (Some restrictions may apply). 





You will be invited to join a Private Facebook Group just for those in this program. Chat and talk with others who are on the same path and journey as you are. Share crystals, energy work, herbs, spells, etc. A place to feel surrounded and supported by those like you!



 You will receive a Weekly Secret Audio Tip from Carmel or one of her special guests. Listen weekly as you learn a special lesson that may range from what spell is best on Monday’s to what herbs to sprinkle at the front door on Fridays … all the way to how to work with energy to enhance your readings and so, so, so much more.



Monthly webinar! This right here is what pays for itself with this school. This webinar will cycle around the time of the full moon or new moon. The heart of this school is about on-going learning towards all things intuitive. You are not just learning one thing, but so many things to help expand and grow your knowledge and skills. Sometimes your webinars will come with homework or with supply lists for what to bring to the webinar. Please be sure to watch your emails before each webinar.

What you need to know:

  • This school is not tied to any religion. You can be any form of religion to be an intuitive being. Your beliefs are your own and this is a safe and loving forum where all are accepted here.


  • You may not know exactly what your gifts are but you are interested in further developing your intuition. Then this school is 100% for you.


  • From beginners to the most advanced and all those in between, this school fits everyone!

A quick history lesson to help you remember…

Many, many years ago there was a time when most villages had what they would call a Shaman, Healer, Old Sage, Medicine Women or just say “go see _____ and she/he and they will help you.”

These people had strong intuitive gifts and a will to help heal and give to others. They understood that God, Spirit, Higher Power, Universe (whatever you want to call it) was in everything and everyone. The trees, the earth, the animals, the plants, the moon and more.

This worked well for many and helped teach them how to protect themselves, draw on energy and learn how to manifest the things they wanted in their lives. Teaching them anyone could have more money, enough food, be healthy etc.

There once was a King and his wife who went to the town healer. The King was quite pompous and rude to the Healer and although she gave them the herbs and blessings they needed she told the King “ Karma will come to you one day for how you treat people.”

On his travels back home the wind on the sea took a different direction and he and his crew nearly drowned. He blamed the Healer for doing this by speaking about Karma and he labelled her A WITCH. This is where the name and term witch came from. He then wrote a book on how to discover if someone was a witch and how to kill them. This King and his book spread like wildfire and around the world in many countries and those who were once sought after and seen as a blessing were now labelled witches and hung, drowned or burned.

Sad. But true.

You see, they were never evil, never ate children, never wanted to harm, never wanted to take. Just had blessings and gifts to offer the world.

So whether you are a witch, an intuitive, an empath, a reiki master, a psychic, a medium, a healer, a shaman or whatever word you identify with …don’t you think it’s time to wake? Right now seems like a time to me.

Join The Witches Circle for a monthly subscription fee special of just $89.00 a month!

Receive immediate access after joining.

There are no minimum requirements or contracts and you may cancel at any time, even after just one month!

Regular $129.00

Sign up now for just

$89.00 a month! 

We guarantee your monthly subscription fee will never go up as long as you remain an active member!

[modal-product-button productid=”165034″]Join Now![/modal-product-button]

***Please note The Witches Circle is a monthly subscription service. Your subscription will be automatically renewed every 30 days. You may cancel at any time. You will lose access to all courses and the private Facebook group after cancellation.***