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Text Message Inner Circle Membership

$49.00 / month and a $49.00 sign-up fee

Text Message Monthly Reading Membership

Receive a text message from the

other side every month!

Join Carmel's newest monthly membership and receive ongoing guidance from your loved ones, guides, and angels on the other side!

Each month, Carmel will connect you with your chosen loved one, guide or angel. She will make her connection to deliver you the message they have for you at this time and send it directly to you via text message!

Your personal text message will arrive anytime between the first and last day of the month.

You may also ask any question you may have for them, ask them for guidance on any situation in your life that you are needing answers about right now, or you can also leave it open for Carmel to deliver whatever message comes through for you.

Direct guidance from the other side at your fingertips!

How does it work?

  1. You will receive a link to a form in your receipt after checkout .
  2. Fill out and submit your form with your information. You may choose to connect with a loved one on the other side, or receive a message from a guide or angel. You may also ask them one question each month!
  3. Each month, Carmel will be given your name and the information you filled out in your form.
  4. She will connect with your loved one, guide or angel and send you a text message answering your question for them and delivering their message of love and guidance.  
  5. Your Text Message Mediumship reading will be texted to you anytime between the first and the last day each month. 
  6. Receive your specific guidance each month, right at your fingertips, when you need it most.
Carmel phone 3
Text Message Readings

The cost of the membership is $49.00 a month

You will be charged for your first and last month when you sign up.

You may leave the membership at any time with a month notice there is no long term commitment holding you to this membership.

There are only a limited number of spots available in this program and when they are filled they are gone.

Choose to receive a message from a guide, angel or the loved one of your choice each month!

Receive your personal mini audio reading at anytime between the first and the last day of the month!

Text Message Monthly Reading Membership

Limited Spots Available
Just $49.00 a month!

Text Message Inner Circle Membership

$49.00 / month and a $49.00 sign-up fee