The final level in the series!
Remembering what you once knew…
I truly believe that if you have found yourself as a witch in this lifetime, it's because you have been a witch in a previous lifetime. It would be very smart of your soul to remember that there is an intuitive force within you and nature, that can be used to navigate your way through this lifetime.
There is an important method to the structure and training that Witches need and require in order to move through their experiences and journey of knowledge.
To achieve success their lessons must be hands on and actually in the thick of it.
That's exactly where I will take you! Into the thick of it!
The Basic Witch School series of online courses are different than any other program you may come across on the internet and it may be the only one that is in alignment with Mediumship and Psychic training. There is no automated system that governs this course. These are real lessons with real hands-on training.

6 Lessons!

Lesson 1: The Sacredness of your Magick.
Learn the importance of keeping your rituals sacred and honouring your Ancestors.
Lesson 2: Taking your Spells and Manifestations to the next level.
Learn how to ramp up your spells and rituals and achieve real results with your magick every time.
Lesson 3: Self-care for Witches.
Learn the importance of specific self-care for Witches and how to manage your energy in your magick.
Lesson 4: Your Health as a Witch.
Tuning in to your body and managing your health. How to recognize burnout and recharge your energy.
Lesson 5:Magickal Protection.
Learn the difference between internal and external protection. How to recognize when you are being psychically attacked and how to protect yourself, your space, and those around you.
Lesson 6: Sharing your Magick.
The importance of building a coven and sharing your magick with others. Your medicine is meant to be shared.
Carmel teaches you how to host and lead your own healing circle!
Each of these lessons will take you through another level of learning and understanding to help you strengthen and develop your abilities as a Healer, Witch, Psychic, Medium and all the titles we haven't thought of.
Historically the abilities of Witches were an occupation given to a desperate individual by a spirit (yes I said a Spirit, also known as a Guide) as an occupation to heal, sell charms and recover stolen items. Magick offered a great recourse against restrictive church institutions, oppressive landlords, and neglectful communities. For some women, often widows, magick was a job that kept them from starving.
Today for you, it can be a way to find a part of yourself that's been missing for a very, very long time. So, if you've ever desired to become a Witch and be able to accomplish all these magical deeds and countless more, while you change your life and that of people around you who need it, then you've made the right choice to complete your Basic Witch learning with the final lessons in Level 5!

Basic Witch School Level 5