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Mini Readings for Sully

72 Hour Special offer

Sully came to us as a happy, healthy, 8 week old puppy.
We knew he would be the kindest soul to greet all those coming to our ranch, but also a large and noble giant when someone or something isn’t right.
In December 2024 we took him to the vet just to curiously ask if his extreme growth was normal. The vet assured us that it was normal, that his feed was perfect, and to keep doing what we were doing. 
But things started to change at the end of January 2025...
Sully’s gait began to get really wobbly and off. Something wasn’t right.
On February 5th, 2025 we took him in right away to the vet clinic and immediately asked for X-rays of his hips as we were concerned about Hip Dysplasia. The X-rays came back clear and we then got 3 other vet opinions that said the same thing.
No hip dysplasia.
Sully was put on pain medication and we were told to monitor him and that maybe what was happening was growing pains and would subside in time.
But within a few more days… we knew we had to get him to a specialist. One of the vets who saw him suggested possibly Wobblers, but Sully would need to see someone else to diagnose him.
On February 11th we took Sully to Pulse Emergency Clinic. He was seen by one of the emergency room doctors and he also agreed … Sully has something wrong with his gait and needs to see the Neurologist.
Thursday Feb 13th we arrived at 5:00am. Sully’s gait was slightly worse at this time and he was again seen by the emergency vet working that day.
She said that Sully’s physical exam shows that this is not in his brain or neck and therefore this is not wobblers.
The surgeon agrees this is not hip dysplasia and not in his hips.
But where to go from here.... requires an MRI for the vets to see what’s really happening to Sully’s spine and why his gait is like this.
Since the 13th of February Sully’s gait has gotten much worse. Even though he has 2 forms of medication, he now falls every few steps he takes.
Although one would think that Sully would show signs of being an unhappy puppy ..he is not.
He is still this loveable, amazing soul, who is just so happy, wants to be with his kids and people ..but he doesn’t understand why he can't walk and keeps falling over.
Sully needs an MRI ASAP and possibly he may need surgery.
While we don’t know what’s exactly wrong, the vets can’t diagnose him without the MRI as they suspect a nerve or something is going on within his spine. The cost of an MRI is between 5-6K and a possibly surgery if needed would be even more.
This is hard for our family. We are not the ones who like to ask for help. We like to be the ones to help and so I am now offering some very special mini readings with all funds going toward Sully’s emergency vet care, MRI scans, surgery if needed, and any and all rehabilitation for Sully.
Thank you in advance all for your love and support.
We are grateful for you all.
Carmel and The Baird Family

Scroll below for all the details.

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Sully 1

Animal Connection Mini Readings!

Connect with your animals on this side or the other!

Carmel’s love of animals goes way back to when she was a little girl. Her first fur friend was a Maltese dog by the name of “Whiskey”. She dressed him up, carried him around and he was her best friend for a very long time.

There were, and are, many more animals in Carmel’s life and to this day she surrounded by them. Dogs, cats, chickens, horses, etc.

They keep her grounded and comforted like nothing else in this lifetime.

What Carmel didn’t know as a little girl, that she knows now is that our animals stay with us after they have passed and can also communicate with us from the other side.

So many people wonder if she can communicate with animals and the answer is YES!

Either those who are with us now, or those who have crossed.

Animal Connection Readings are an audio mini reading that is personal to you and your animal friend. They give you answers to what you want to know about your pet who’s still with you, or one who has crossed over to the other side. .

How does it work?

  1. You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to fill out a form with the information for the animal you would like to connect with.
  2. Carmel will be given your name, the name and photo of the animal and the question you have for them.
  3. Carmel will connect with the animal and record a message answering your question and delivering the message they have for you.
  4. Your mini audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 15, 2025.

** Please note: Mini audio readings are 1 to 2 minutes in length.**

Sully 2

Support Sully with an
Animal Connection Mini Reading

Only 20 Available
Sully Special Just $99.00!

One Question Mediumship Mini Reading

Receive some love from the other side today!

Carmel will connect you with your chosen loved one on the other side.

She will make her connection with your loved one to deliver the message they have for you at this time.

You may also ask your loved one any question you may have for them or ask them for guidance on any situation in your life that you are needing answers about right now or you can also leave it open for Carmel to deliver whatever message comes through for you.

How does it work?

  1. Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and the question you have for them.
  2. She will connect with your loved one and record your mini reading answering your question for them and deliver their messages of love and guidance.  
  3. Your mini audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 15, 2025. 
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Support Sully with a
One Question Mediumship Mini Reading

Only 20 Available
Just $99.00!

Butterfly Spirit Oracle 4 Card Reading

Using her personal deck of Butterfly Spirit Oracle cards, Carmel will give you an audio reading that covers your past, present, future and distance future. These 4 card readings are same ones she’s done in her readings since she first began seeing clients many years ago.

You’ll hear her shuffle and listen as she makes the connection to Spirit and then begins giving you your messages.

Included with this reading is a photo of the cards that Carmel pulled for you during the reading.


You can also ask Carmel one question that she will answer in your reading! Ask her anything about love, finances, career, health, etc!

How does it work?

  1. You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to complete your form with your question for Carmel.
  2. Carmel will be given your name and your question and connect with your team, and shuffle her Butterfly Spirit Oracle deck to draw 4 cards for you.
  3. She will record your reading giving you the guidance and messages she receives from Spirit and the cards!  
  4. Your mini audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 15, 2025. 
Butterfly Spirit 4 card reading
Sully 5

Support Sully with a
Butterfly Spirit Oracle 4 Card Reading

Only 20 Available
Sully Special Just $99.00!

Postcard from Heaven Mini Reading

Receive a postcard message from your loved one on the other side!

Postcards from Heaven is a deck of cards I created in honour and memory of my Grandma and Grandpa.

They had both passed away when I was in my late 20’s and I wanted nothing more than a way to communicate and connect with them. I needed something tangible and real to make sure sign they were with me. Something that took my ego out of it, and just gave me a clear message from Spirit.

These cards were the perfect answer and a deck of cards that I use even to this day to connect with my own Mom and Dad and all my loved ones who have crossed. Now ...I am sharing them with you. ❤️

Each card was channelled by connecting with my Guides in Spirit and finding out the messages that loved ones wanted to pass along to those of us who are still here.

Before each recording I called in Spirit, prayed and then meditated to build the strongest and clearest connection I could. When I had Team Spirit with me I hit record and let the messages flow.

Before you hit play on your card reading recording please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and know that this is a message from them, just for you. xo

All my love, Carmel Baird

How does it work?

  1. When you make your purchase, set the intention to receive the message from your chosen loved one. 
  2. After purchase, Carmel will be given your name to draw one card for you from her deck to receive your Postcard From Heaven Message from your loved one on the other side. 
  3. Receive your audio letting you know what card Carmel pulled for you and what sign your loved one will be sending you to let you know they are with you.
  4. Before you hit play on your card reading recording please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and know that this is a message from them, just for you!
  5. Your Postcard from Heaven mini reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 15th!

Support Sully with a
Postcard from Heaven Mini Reading

Just $19.99!

You can also support Sully through a donation!

It is not easy for us to ask for help, but we know so many of you would love to support Sully on this journey and several friends/family have asked for ways they can support him during this time.

We chose Gofundme so that the funds raised are public and transparent, and everyone can see if/when we reach the goal that we estimate is needed if he requires surgery and rehab (If we happen to go over the amount needed, we will donate any and all additional funds to another animal/shelter in need).

We will be fully transparent with vet bills and costs and keep everyone up to date on what's happening with Sully's care.

You will know exactly where your donation is being spent.

Thank you in advance all for the love and support. My family and I are so grateful for you.

Love, Carmel, Xx ❤️

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Make a Donation for Sully's Care and Support