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Let’s Celebrate Us

Let's Celebrate Us!



June 30th to July 5th!

It’s hard.

It’s hard to celebrate land, governments, flags, rights, laws, and everything in between, when so much of the world feels not right and like there’s not much to celebrate.

But … what am I celebrating this July 1st is all of us.

The human beings on this planet that stand up for what’s right and what’s wrong.
The people who defend their families and their land.
The people who stand in support of each other no matter what’s going on.
The people who have found voices and the strength to make change.
All of the people who make a difference big and small.
The ones that are trying so very hard to get it right, amongst so much that is wrong. ❤️

These 3 brand new mini readings are my gift to celebrating US!

I’ve opened my vault of oracle cards and that’s not all…

Keep scrolling for all the details!
Happy US day ❤️
Carmel xo

The Power of 3

Mini Reading

All Witches know that there is a lot of power in the #3.

We often do things in 3’s, say things good or bad happen in 3’s and live a lot of our lives centered around this number.


The power of 3 mini reading is just that …

The power of 3

Three very important figures on the other side to give you the most incredible messages and guidance.

#1 – A  message from your Master Guide

#2 – A message from your Guardian Angel

#3 – A message from your chosen Loved one in Spirit.

Three big messages that will give power, strength, and answers just when you need them the most.

Ask Carmel one question for your loved one on the other side!

Here is how it works.

  1. Purchase your Power of Three Mini Reading.
  2. You will receive a link to fill out a form with the name of the loved one you would like Carmel to connect with for your mini reading.
  3. Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and connect with your Spiritual Team on the other side to complete your mini reading.
  4. Carmel will record your personal mini reading giving you a message from your Master Guide, your Guardian Angel and your chosen loved one in Spirit.
  5. Receive your mini reading via email. Listen to your direct guidance from Spirit!

Receive 3 readings in one!

Just $129.00

[modal-product-button productid=”175657″]Purchase Now![/modal-product-button]

**Only 20 Power of Three Mini Readings available.**

Your Power of Three Mini Reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before August 31st.

The Vault Oracle Card

Mini Reading

Being a collector of Oracle Cards Carmel has hundreds of decks of cards. For this mini reading she will choose the deck that best suited to her client, their specific question, and what they need to hear at this time.

This is the perfect reading if you’re looking for direct guidance in your life right now!

Do you want to know…

  • Will we get married?
  • Will the house sell?
  • Am I going to be sick like this forever?
  • What’s wrong with my knee?
  • Should he go to school?
  • Will we split up?
  • Should I leave this marriage?
  • Am I going to be able to travel again?
  • When will the debt be paid?
  • When will the money come?
  • Or any other specific question! 

There is likely a question you have that are swirling around in your head about things you’d like to know right now.

For the first time Carmel takes your question and goes to her personal vault of hundreds of decks of cards and decides with Spirit the perfect deck for you to give you your answer.

She will tell you the name of the deck she chose, why she chose it and what the card says about your personal question and the guidance you are receiving from spirit at this time.

Here is how it works.

  1. Purchase your The Vault Mini Reading.
  2. Use the link in your receipt after purchase to fill out the form with your question for your mini reading.
  3. Carmel will be given your name, the question you submitted and connect with Spirit to choose a deck from her personal vault to answer your question.
  4. Carmel will record your personal mini reading letting you know which deck she chose and what guidance the card and Spirit have for you to answer your question.
  5. Receive your mini reading via email. Listen to your direct guidance from Spirit!

Just $99.00!

Sorry, all sold out.

[modal-product-button productid=”175668″]Purchase Now![/modal-product-button]

Only 20 The Vault Oracle Card Mini Readings available.

Your The Vault Oracle Card Mini Reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before August 31st.

“Our home and Native Land.”

That’s what our Canadian national anthem sings in one verse.

Its true…North America was home to many First Nations people who lived here long before anyone else stepped foot on North American Land.

They knew the land inside out and backwards. In fact, no matter where you live right now as you read this, I can guarantee an indigenous ancestor stood there, lived there, rode there, hunted there, or visited there in some way, shape, or form.

I know this because as a Medium, I often hear them, see them, feel them, and connect with them.

Myself, living near the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, I often look out and see the spirits of many indigenous people traveling by canoe from one trading post to another.

I have connected with the Spirits on my own land and gained a TON of valuable information that without them, I think we’d have been lost with this ranch before we even started.

Not only do they want to help us, educate us, guide us, and protect us. they want to show us the right way, so we can stop going in circles.

If only we’d listened long ago but we can certainly begin to listen now.

In my newest mini reading, Native Land Spirits, I will connect with the Spirits that were the FIRST to be on the land that you live on right now.

What do they have to say?

What direction will they point you in?

Do they have details and information to give you about that land that can help guide you?

Find out in this amazing mini reading that lets the First Nations people do what they should have been doing all along…guiding us and teaching us how life should be.

Here is how it works.

  1. Purchase your Native Land Spirits Mini Reading.
  2. Carmel will be given your name and connect to the Spirits of the land where you live. 
  3. Carmel will record your personal mini reading letting you know what personal guidance and information they have for you. 
  4. Receive your mini reading via email. Listen to your personal messages from Spirit!

Just $99.00!

[modal-product-button productid=”175673″]Purchase Now![/modal-product-button]

Only 20 Native Land Spirits Mini Readings available.

Your Native Land Spirits Mini Reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before August 31st.