Spiritual Tool
Mini Reading
Although psychics have an acute sensitivity to spiritual energy, some don’t rely exclusively on this gift alone.
Many also use various tools to assist them in giving accurate readings.
A note from Carmel:
I am a Spiritual Medium, an Intuitive Psychic, and an everyday Witch.
And I would be very sad if I didn’t have the amazing tools and resources that I use to give Psychic readings.
I don’t use tools in my Mediumship Readings very often, but in my Psychic Readings I always do. I love my tools!
It’s like a baker with the right pan, a hairdresser with the right scissors or a truck driver with the right truck.
Everything just works better together.
Spiritual Psychic Tools are a collaboration between Creator, the Reader & the tool.
All those energies come together to give direction, guidance, and communication from the Spirit world.
In this Spiritual Tool Mini Reading you give Spirit (God, Higher Power, Creator or whatever you feel comfortable calling it) the freedom to tell you what you need to know in your life right now.
Often we think we know what we need or the questions we have, but what about just letting go and letting God. What do you need to know right now?
Choose your Psychic Spiritual Tool and find out!
Carmel, xo
For this mini reading you choose the tool you’d like Carmel to use for your reading!
5 tools to choose from!
Carmel will choose 4 crystals from her bowl of crystals and let Spirit guide her to give you the messages they give.
Master Guides
Carmel will channel your own personal master guide to give you the messages and guidance you need right now.
Animal Guides
Carmel will channel your Animal Guides around you at this time and give you the messages they need you to know.
Scrying Reading
Carmel will use water to scry a reading for you.
What are the images and messages that come through the water and Spirit for you?
Rune Stones
What 4 rune stones are chosen from the bag for you and what do they want you to know right now?
Carmel will use the tool you choose and the energy from Spirit to give you the messages that you need to hear right now.
Trusting the process and the messages is a huge part of our lives in 2022!
Here is how it works:
- At purchase, choose the Spiritual Tool you would like Carmel to use for your mini reading.
- Carmel will be given your name and use your chosen tool to record your mini audio reading and deliver the guidance and messages Spirit wants you to know right now.
- Your mini audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 30th!
- Listen to your audio reading as Carmel delivers the messages Spirit knows you need to hear right now.
**Only 20 of these available.**
What is it that you need to know right now? Let Spirit and the tools decide!
Sorry, all sold out.
Just $99.00!
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Please note:
In 2022 and moving forward there will be fewer mini readings available and those that are will be very specific and in-depth to each client who receives one.
Carmel’s mission is to focus on building a deeper connection with Spirit for those who are requesting mini readings from her as she also continues to find balance in her health, wellness, and personal life.
There are only 20 Spiritual Tool Mini Audio Readings available and when they are gone they are gone.
Your Intuitive Spiritual Tool Kit
Video Series
Things have changed.
There is no denying that the world feels a bit off kilter, and we’re all feeling the need for more guidance and direction in our lives.
Carmel has been having more dreams, more intuitive knowings, and a lot more daily contact with her Master Guides.
Her Spiritual tools and the way she’s using them has drastically changed.
Right now, you are going to need a Spiritual survival tool kit more than ever and with it will come all the directions on how, why and when you need these tools.
What you will learn in this video course:
- Lesson 1: Crystal Survival Tools.
A game changer and whole new approach to crystals. You will be amazed at this information! - Lesson 2: Plant Survival Tools.
What, why, and where… will be very important this year in the plant kingdom - Lesson 3: Prayer Survival Tools.
Prayers that you need in a 911 situation. - Lesson 4: Master Guide Survival Tools.
What do the Masters who have learned it all need to tell you and how you can use them for help. - Lesson 5: Cleansing and Clearing Survival Tools.
Your property and the energy around it is more important now than ever before. - Lesson 6: Animal Survival Tools.
How and why the Animal Kingdom can help us.
- Lesson 7: Earth Survival Tools.
Mother Earth and all the help she can provide us. - Lesson 8: Air Survival Tools.
The wind brings the answers you’ll need when you need them the most. - Lesson 9: Fire Survival Tools.
The fire you light can bring the spiritual guidance you seek. - Lesson 10: Water Survival Tools.
Waters guidance to the future . - Bonus lesson:
Creator Survival Lessons from Ancestors and Master Guides.
Receive 10 Video Lessons!
Carmel will also include Creator Survival Lessons from Ancestors and Master Guides!
Intuitive Spiritual Tool Kit
Just $99.00!
Course begins April 6th with your first two video lessons!
Receive 2 lessons each week for 5 weeks!
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You’ve been taught that there are necessary things that you need to survive. Air, water, food, shelter, heat …etc.
But one of the most important is rarely mentioned…
If you don’t have Psychic Intuition, and, I don’t mean the kind of intuition that tells you who’s calling you on the phone…. I mean real survival intuition and a deep inner sense of knowing, then you may be lost, before you even start.
Many Psychic Intuitive Courses are like a box of of Band-Aids. Good to slap on in a pinch and worked well before the year 2020 but now …we’re in a whole new ball game.
Now, no matter what we do, we have to face that the world has and is approaching some big problems. We need to be prepared for them in ALL ways, not just some ways.
This brand-new course will help level up your intuitive preparedness to be ready for what’s to come. The content has been chunked into bite-sized lessons that have actual hands-on exercises so that you can be more intuitively connected right now.
This is your opportunity to stand up and move forward being intuitively prepared, informed by Spirit, and connected on a deeper level with Mother Earth.
What you will learn:
- How to listen to your intuition even when it seems crazy or difficult, so you don’t end up in a 911 situation.
- How to tell the difference between a red flag and a butterfly.
- How to know what is your ego versus what is Spirit and 10 ways your intuition can and will save your life.
- How to look at objects, big or small, all the way from a home to a necklace and know if this is the right decision for you and your family.
- Intuitive secrets that you can tap into to know who to trust and who not to trust.
- How to lay down strong protective boundaries to keep enemies at bay.
- How to listen to the animals around you and Mother Earth for day-to-day and long-term guidance.
- How to use your intuition to know when to flight and when to fight.
Why learn from Carmel?
For over 13 years Carmel has been giving readings to clients across the globe and for last 3 years she has released an Insight and Prediction Calendar (before the year ahead) that has been BANG on each year. Predicting well in advance, world events, politics, climate change and natural disasters that have been affecting us all.
Why not learn from someone who clearly feels, hears and sees what’s coming next!
This 6-lesson audio course can be taken from the comfort of your own home, listen on your way to work, while working out or anywhere convenient for you.
Receive your first lesson immediately after purchase and each week for 5 weeks with no pressure as to when you listen and learn.
Whether you are an advanced Psychic or a beginner there is knowledge here you may not have thought about.
Just $69.00!
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