In Honour of Moms!
April 28th – May 9th
Let’s face it, none of us would be here if it wasn’t for our Mom! We all have a unique relationship with our Mothers. Some of us are close to our Mom’s and some of us, not so much. Either way, the gift of life is owed to those special women who carried us in their tummies for 9 months!
This Mother’s Day I want to help you say thank you to all the special women in your life.
Whether you are a Mom, have a Mom on the other side or want to treat that special someone in your life who is like a mom to you there is something for everyone!
Carmel, xo
This Mother’s Day we are doing something very special.
We’re honouring Mothers in a big way!
Receive a Message from Mom!
A note from Carmel,
One of my biggest struggles in this lifetime so far has been the loss of my Mother. She was my grounding cord, my advisor, my cheerleader, and my confidant. When she crossed I had no idea I would be so deeply affected. It’s as if my body, mind and Spirit went into shock and a state of numbness. I just couldn’t believe I would struggle to gain my balance back the way I have.
But ..I did get it back.
And it happened when I learned I could hear her wisdom, advice and guidance in a way I couldn’t even imagine.
Now she could tell me everything she felt…and all with love.
After finding my way, by not getting over my grief, but managing my way through it ..I thought about what my clients would really want for Mother's Day.
A Message From Moms or To Moms is the perfect reading for this Mother's Day. A direct connection and a mini chat with your Mom and/or the women of your ancestry.
This reading is for anyone who wants a connection with Mom’s….Grandmothers, Mothers, Aunts, all the special women of our ancestry that hold the motherly energy and advice we all crave and need.
Love, Carmel xo
Here's how it works
Step 1. Purchase your Message from Mom Mini Reading
Step 2. Use the link in your receipt you receive after purchase to submit your photo of your loved one you would like Carmel to connect with. You may ask a question or leave it open to receive whatever messages come through.
Step 3. Carmel will connect with your loved one on the other side to answer your question and deliver the messages and guidance your loved one has for you at this time.
Step 4. You are expected to receive your mini audio reading via email on or before June 15th! Listen to your messages of love and guidance from the other side!
Give the gift of Connection!
Purchase for yourself or give as a gift!
If you would like to give this mini-audio reading as a gift just let us know in the notes at checkout.
We will send you a gift certificate print and give as a gift this Mother's Day!
In Honour of Moms Special:
Just $99.00!
Sorry, all sold out.
[modal-product-button productid="135866"]Message From Mom Mini Reading![/modal-product-button]
***Only 20 Available***
It’s true that it’s nice to see a Medium and find out what past lives you have lived in, what happened, where it happened and why.
But what if you could close your eyes and simply find out all those details from the comfort of your own home?
Join Carmel is this new and incredible online course called…
A Journey Through Lifetimes
Over the years clients and students have asked Carmel to do more meditations as they find her voice soothing and comforting, allowing them to achieve the meditative state and insight that they need.
This course will not only give you the tools to take a Journey through time but each lesson in paired with a brand new meditation that will take you back, so that you may go forward.
One lesson is released every week for 4 weeks. Beginning on May 11th you’ll be taking a deep meditative journey that will bring so many answers you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this a long time ago!
Why should you take this course?
This is the first time Carmel has released a course that pairs a weekly lesson with a past life meditation that will bring the insight and answers you need right now.
Since 2019 Carmel’s guides have told her that we need to GO BACK to go forward. This time she takes you all the way back and then some!
What you will discover:
- Week 1: How, why and where?
Lesson A:
Listen as Carmel teaches you why your past lives are so important in this lifetime.
Learn how you can receive very important details that can help you right now.
Lesson B:
Enjoy a guided meditation where Carmel will help you find your most favourite lifetime.
She will take you on a journey to discover details about yourself and the others around you in your past life. - Week 2: Knowledge is Power!
Lesson A:
Carmel teaches you why you need to remove blocks and fears in this lifetime.
As many of our life problems can be directly related to past lives and how they may be wreaking havoc on you and your relationships in this lifetime.
Lesson B:
Take a meditative journey with Carmel where you’ll get to see and experience what fears and blocks you had in previous lifetimes.
Through your journey you will go in to heal your specific fears and blocks and leave them all in the past, where they belong once and for all.
- Week 3: Into the Thick of It!
Lesson A:
Are you struggling with weight gain, addictions, physical pain, or unexplained health issues? Discover why and how knowing your past life can cure these issues. This lesson is a game changer for sure!
Lesson B: Take a meditative journey with Carmel as she leads you down the path of discovering how your relationships and addictions you have had helps bring to light many answers to your physical health problems that may still be plaguing you now. - Week 4: Living Your Best Life!
Lesson A:
One thing we all want and need in our lives is love. Whether it’s self-love or romantic soul mate love, we all want and need it. Listen as Carmel explains why love and those bonds mean everything to our soul. Find out what your past lives and love has to do with where you are right now.
Lesson B:
Take a trip into the past with Carmel where you’ll uncover many past soulmates, learn who they are, what they taught you and if you’re still holding onto someone from the past or something that may be blocking you today.
A Journey Through Lifetimes
Course begins May 11th!
A Journey Through Lifetimes is an amazing gift for Mom’s this Mothers Day. Everyone deserves to know what and who they’re missing in this lifetime.
In Honour of Moms:
Just $79.00!
[modal-product-button productid=”174685″]A Journey Through Lifetimes![/modal-product-button]
This special reading is designed for anyone who has lost a child. On behalf of the children in heaven Carmel is hosting this special reading so that they may connect with their loved ones on this side.
Carmel feels that her gift is to bridge the gap for her clients and what better time than this Mother's Day to receive a special message from your child.
Here's how it works
Step 1. Purchase your On Behalf of Heaven Mini Reading
Step 2. Use the link in your receipt you receive after purchase to submit your form for your mini reading. You may ask a question or leave it open to receive whatever messages come through from your chosen loved one.
Step 3. Carmel will connect with your loved one on the other side to answer your question and deliver the messages your loved one has for you at this time.
Step 4. You are expected to receive your mini audio reading via email on or before June 15th! Listen to your messages of love and guidance on behalf of heaven!
Give the gift of Connection!
Purchase for yourself or give as a gift!
If you would like to give this mini-audio reading as a gift just let us know in the notes at checkout.
We will send you a gift certificate print and give as a gift this Mother's Day!
In Honour of Moms Special:
Just $99.00!
Sorry, all sold out.
[modal-product-button productid="174682"]On Behalf of Heaven Mini Reading![/modal-product-button]
***Only 20 Available***
Crystal Master Class
Live Webinar
Carmel Joy Baird
Join Carmel via live webinar where she will teach you how to get the most out of your crystals in your day-to-day life.
You’ll learn how to cleanse your crystals in a way that will take their healing properties from basic level to a much more advanced therapeutic level.
Learn how to specifically connect with each crystal and program it for the specific use you have for it.
And last but not least …discover how can you give yourself or others a reading with crystals!
Carmel will teach you how she uses her own crystals to give readings and she will also be drawing a few names and giving some crystal readings live in the webinar!
Where: Live online via Zoom webinar!
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022
Time: 6:30 pm MDT
Join Carmel from anywhere in the world and the comfort of your home.
Can’t attend live?
No problem, the webinar is recorded and a link to view will be emailed to you the following day!
Just $69.00!
[modal-product-button productid=”174510″]Register Now![/modal-product-button]
The first online course that Carmel ever released is called The Truth – The 4 Keys to life. That was back in 2013, and many, many things have changed for her in the last 10 years.
Yes, there are still only 4 keys.
That is … 4 things you need to know to become a life master in this lifetime, but how do they apply now in 2022 and what’s changed?
Carmel has taken the message she’s been receiving from her Master Guide over and over the last few years quite seriously…
She is going back,
in order to go forward.
Watch and listen as Carmel who has evolved, awakened and expanded her knowledge as a Mom, a women, and a Medium.
She is now going back to revisit this truly inspiring and life changing course with a brand-new video series that remodels and gives a fresh new take and look to her first ever course The Truth.
4 Video Lessons!
Key #1: Love
Key #2: Peace
Key #3: Forgiveness
Key #4: Balance
Just 4 simple keys…
If you know these, you can master anything!
Course begins May 11th!
Receive one lesson each week for 4 weeks!
In Honour of Moms:
Just $49.00!
[modal-product-button productid=”174700″]The Truth 10th Anniversary![/modal-product-button]