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Easter Special Event!

March 26th to April 2nd

You spoke and I listened. I received so many emails from people who want readings and are looking for a more of a connection with their loved ones on the other side.

Holidays are a special time when we often miss our loved ones the most. 

This Easter Weekend I have released some very special mini readings to bring you a connection with your with your loved ones on the other side.. 

They are very limited and when they are gone they are gone, so if you would like to receive one, don't wait.

Scroll down for all the details!

Carmel chair

Mediumship Mini Reading


Receive a message from the other side!

Carmel will connect you with your chosen loved one on the other side.

She will make her connection with your loved one to deliver the message they have for you at this time.

You may also ask your loved one any question you may have for them or ask them for guidance on any situation in your life that you are needing answers about right now or you can also leave it open for Carmel to deliver whatever message comes through for you.

How does it work?

  1. Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and the question you have for them.
  2. She will connect with your loved one and record your mini audio reading answering your question for them and delivering their messages of love and guidance.  
  3. Your mini audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before May 15, 2024. 

*Mediumship Mini Readings are approx 1 to 2 minute audio messages.***

Carmel green shirt march

Mediumship Mini Reading

Only 20 Available
Just $99.00!
Sorry, all sold out.

Mediumship Maxi Reading

Connect with your loved one on the other side!

Carmel has been offering mini audio readings connecting her clients with their loved ones on the other side for several years now. The feedback she has received has been amazing but some of her clients have said they would love to receive just a little bit more.

In her newest audio reading, Carmel will connect you with your chosen loved one on the other side to answer up to THREE questions for you!

She will make her connection with your loved one to answer your questions and deliver the messages they have for you at this time. This audio reading go deeper and deliver even more messages of love and guidance from the other side!

Ask your loved one up to three questions you may have for them or ask them for guidance on any situation(s) in your life that you are needing answers about right now.

How does it work?

  1. You will receive a link to submit your form with your information and question for your loved one in your receipt after purchase.
  2. Fill out and submit your form and Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and the questions you have for them.
  3. She will connect with your loved one and record your audio maxi reading answering your questions for them and delivering their messages of love and guidance.  
  4. Your audio reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before May 15, 2024.

*Mediumship Maxi Readings are approx 4 to 5 minute audios depending on the energy of spirit.***

carmel new fall 3

Mediumship Maxi Reading

Only 20 Available
Just $179.00!
Sorry, all sold out.

Back by Popular Request!

Text Message Mediumship Reading

Receive a text message from the other side!

Carmel will connect you with your chosen loved one on the other side.

She will make her connection with your loved one to deliver the message they have for you at this time and send it directly to you via text message!

You may also ask your loved one any question you may have for them, ask them for guidance on any situation in your life that you are needing answers about right now, or you can also leave it open for Carmel to deliver whatever message comes through for you.

Direct guidance from the other side at your fingertips!

How does it work?

  1. You will receive a link to a form in your receipt after checkout.
  2. Fill out and submit your form with your information.
  3. Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and the question you have for them.
  4. She will connect with your loved one and send you a text message answering your question for them and delivering their message of love and guidance.  
  5. Your Text Message Mediumship reading is expected to be completed and texted to you on or before May 15, 2024. 
Text Message Readings

Text Message Mediumship Reading

Only 20 Available
Just $49.00!
Sorry, all sold out.

Postcard from Heaven Mini Reading

Carmel new fall 4

Postcards from Heaven is a deck of cards I created in honour and memory of my Grandma and Grandpa.

They had both passed away when I was in my late 20’s and I wanted nothing more than a way to communicate and connect with them. I needed something tangible and real to make sure sign they were with me. Something that took my ego out of it, and just gave me a clear message from Spirit.

These cards were the perfect answer and a deck of cards that I use even to this day to connect with my own Mom and Dad and all my loved ones who have crossed. Now ...I am sharing them with you. ❤️

Each card was channelled by connecting with my Guides in Spirit and finding out the messages that loved ones wanted to pass along to those of us who are still here.

Before each mini reading I call in Spirit, pray and then meditate to build the strongest and clearest connection I can with the other side. I shuffle my Postcard deck and draw one card for you from your loved one. 

Your audio will let you know what card message they have for you as well as the sign they will be sending you from the other side to let you know they are around you and with you.

Before you hit play on your card reading recording please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and know that this is a message from them, just for you. xo

All my love, Carmel Baird

Receive a postcard message from your loved one on the other side!

How does it work?

  1. When you make your purchase, set the intention to receive the message from your chosen loved one. 
  2. After purchase, Carmel will be given your name to draw one card for you from her deck to receive your Postcard From Heaven Message from your loved one on the other side. 
  3. Receive your audio letting you know what card Carmel pulled for you and what sign your loved one will be sending you to let you know they are with you.
  4. Before you hit play on your card reading recording please ask your loved one in Spirit to come forward and sit with you. Hit play on the recording and know that this is a message from them, just for you!
  5. Your Postcard from Heaven mini reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before April 30th!

Postcard from Heaven Mini Reading

Regular $24.99
Easter Special Just $14.99!
Sorry, all sold out.