
Personal Audio Readings

Readings Club

Spirits Inner Circle

Online Courses

The Witches Circle

Intuition U

About Carmel

About Carmel



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Christmas Crunch Event

December 7th to 14th!

It's that time of year...

The time when we are frantically searching online and in stores for those perfect last minute gifts and I am here to help!

I have featured some really unique, one of a kind, extra special gifts you can pick up right now for that hard to buy for person on your list and the best part... you don't have to leave your house or fight the crowds. You can do it all online from the comfort of your own home. 

What better gift to give than the gift of Spirit this Christmas? And... I have even added one item that you can buy one for yourself and give one to a friend!

Scroll below for all the details.

Carmel plaid

Give the give of guidance and connection!
MIni Audio Reading Gift Certificates!

Mini Reading gift certificate

A very special gift!

Gift the gift of guidance and connection in 2024 with a Mini Reading Gift Certificate!

Each gift certificate is valid for ONE Mini Audio Reading of your choice at any time between January 15, 2024 and December 15, 2024!

Choose from these mini audio readings:

One Question Mediumship Mini Reading: Carmel will connect with the loved one of your choice to deliver their messages of love and guidance. Bonus! You can also ask them one question!.

Master Guide Mini Reading: We all have a spiritual team on the other side, your Master Guide knows you best, they know and understand what you came here to do and are there to guide you along the way. In this mini reading, Carmel will connect with your Master Guide to deliver the guidance and message they know you need most at this time.

3 Question Psychic Mini Reading: Do you have questions you need help with? Carmel will connect with your energy and your team on the other side to answer your three most pressing questions!

Give the gift of peace and comfort this holiday or purchase one for yourself! Receiving a mini reading gift certificate brings peace of mind knowing that you can connect with your loved one, your master guide or you can receive answers to your questions whenever you need  it most in 2024!

How does it work?

  1. Add your Mini Audio Reading Gift Certificate to your cart and complete your purchase.
  2. Your digital gift certificate to print and give as a gift or use yourself will be emailed to you within 48 hours from purchase. 
  3. Whenever you are ready to receive your audio mini reading in 2024, email the office to redeem your gift certificate and choose the type mini reading from the list above that you would like to receive.
  4. Carmel will complete your mini audio reading and it will be emailed to you within 30 days of redeeming your gift certificate.  

Redeem your mini reading gift certificate whenever you need the guidance most in 2024!

2024 Mini Audio Reading Gift Certificates

Sorry, All Sold Out.

A Reading for every month of 2024!

I have been doing these readings for over 15 years now. Each year hundreds of people across the globe find out what Spirit has in store for them for the entire year. I pull 12 cards and lay them out in a circle so I can see what each and every month will bring for those who I am doing the reading for.

Back in 2020 I made some major changes to my business. One of them was that I would have balance and passion in all things that I do. I love these readings but in order to maintain balance I am limiting them.

There are only 100 of my 2024 Year in View Readings available.

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I have always said, "to be forewarned, is to be forearmed". If there is something that you don't like coming in your future, that's simple! Change it!

You have the power to change anything in your life as ultimately, you are in control. If there is something amazing coming, you can ride the wave and enjoy the outcome, even enhance the outcome to be more favourable.

My goal is to help you navigate your way through the journey the best you can, and that's exactly what I'll do with my 2024 Year In View Readings!

January is the ONLY month I do these readings and I will be using one of my special tarot card decks!

Carmel, xo

12 Months of Readings

Once per year in January, Carmel offers her 12-month Year in View Readings.

Carmel will personally pick 12 cards just for you and we'll send you a picture of the cards. The 12 cards will be laid out clearly showing you which card is for which month!

Then, to accompany the cards, we'll send you 12 audio clips with Carmel giving you the meaning for each of the cards you received for 2024!


Here is what you'll receive:

A photo emailed to you of all 12 of your cards that Carmel herself pulled for you. The 12 cards will be laid out clearly showing you which card is for which month!

12 audio clips emailed to you with Carmel giving you the meaning of that card in that particular month.

All this will be emailed to you between January 1st - January 31st.

Click below to listen to Carmel give a sample, Year In View reading for the month of January!


Gift the gift of guidance through 2024!

2024 Year in View Readings

Just $169.00!

To purchase as a gift:

Please let us know in the notes at checkout the name and email address of the person you are gifting.

Please let us know if you would like a gift certificate to print.

Surprise Stocking Mini Audio Readings!

Use your intuition to choose from 3 Surprise Stockings to receive the message you need most!

Surprise Stocking Mini Readings

3 Stockings to choose from!

Each Surprise Stocking contains a different audio mini reading. Use your intuition to choose the stocking you feel drawn to or purchase all three stockings and receive all three surprise messages and guidance!

Which Stocking is meant for you?

How does it work?

  1. Add your Surprise Stocking(s) to your cart and complete your purchase. 
  2. If you are giving as a gift, please let us know in the notes at checkout the name and email address of the person you are gifting. If you would like a gift certificate to print, let us know and it will be emailed to you within 48 hours of completing your purchase. 
  3. Carmel will be given your name and record your surprise mini reading!
  4. Your surprise mini reading(s) are expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before January 31, 2024.   

Surprise Stocking Mini Readings make a great gift or stocking stuffer!

Just let us know in the notes at checkout if you are giving them as a gift.

Surprise Stocking Mini Audio Readings!

Christmas Crunch Event Just$19.99 each!
Purchase all 3 for just $49.99!
Sorry, All Sold Out.

Buy One and Get one Free!

Purchase the 2024 Moons and Manifesting Online program and receive a second course to give to a friend for free!

Join the program with a friend and manifest your dreams together!

2024 Moons & Manifesting

Online Course

It’s no secret to Carmel’s followers and fans that she loves the moon and has been using the energy of the New and Full Moon each month for many years.

The energy of the moon has amplified her manifestations, helped her to release what doesn’t serve her or her family, and build strong connections with Spirit.

The moon and her Mothering energy has been helping men and women since the beginning of time.

Considering the moon controls the tides and about 60% of the adult human body is water (the brain and heart are 73 percent), it would make sense to wonder how the stages of the moon affect us and ultimately how they can help us.

carmel crystal hands
2024 Moons & Manifesting

In this amazing new program, Carmel shares with you every new moon and full moon ritual and practice that she has for each moon through 2024.

You’ll also learn about what phase the moon’s in and how you may be feeling or how things around you may be affecting you.

You’ll be manifesting things you never knew were possible and opening doors to possibilities that maybe you may have even given up on.

The new moon is for fresh starts and new beginnings. Each new moon you wil learn a new ritual that applies directly to the new moon we are in at that time.

You’ll receive your audio a few days before the new moon so if you need any supplies, you have plenty of time to get them.

These hands-on rituals and exercises are easy, grounding and set to spiritually connect you on so many levels.

Then the full moon which we all know is no joke.

Some of the craziest times of in our lives have happened on full moons. We bet you can agree to that one.

Emotions run high on full moons, and everything is extra intense so this is a great time for Carmel to share with you her full moon rituals and guidance specific to the year 2024 and the moon and phase we’re in.

This program is for anyone who loves manifesting & anyone who wants to change things by harnessing the most amazing natural source of energy they can imagine!


Carmel herbs

2024 Moons and Manifeting


Carmel Joy Baird's 2024 Calendar & Predictions

Your 2024 doesn’t have to be a big mystery after all!

Written by Spiritual Medium, Psychic and everyday Witch, Carmel Joy Baird, this 2024 insight manual will include yearly predictions which include trends, health pointers, news, major events, celebrity gossip predictions, global changes, etc.

Carmel’s psychic insight will allow you to create more abundance and joy, along with increase your chances of directing your year exactly where you want it to go!

Bonus – No failed New Year's Resolutions this year!

2024 Calendar and Predictions

Carmel will offer you a sneak preview of the foreseeable future and reveal highs and lows that are coming in 2024.

That’s not all …she will also include a world energy profile for the shifts and changes coming each month so you can follow them monthly to feel and stay your best!

Included - The top 10 ways to stay healthy and positive in 2024!

Oh, and one more thing, included will be 10 things you can do to create financial health and wellness in 2024!


Carmel gives you 10 things you need to know about 2024 before it even begins!

Find out what the top 10 things are that Carmel wants you to know as you go into 2024. 

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. 

Head into 2024 prepared and ready with Carmel's guidance and insight!

Your Digital Calendar will be available for download on immediately after purchase!

Top 10 things you need to know for 2024!

2024 Insight and Prediction Calendar

Just $149.00!

To purchase as a gift:

Please let us know in the notes at checkout the name and email address of the person you are gifting. 

Please let us know if you would like a gift certificate to print.