Back to Basics!
Back to School Sale Event
Sept 5th to 12th!
As the new school year begins, parents have been busy getting their kids ready to go back to school in person, some may be preparing for online or homeschooling options. No matter what option you choose it's the time of year that we focus on learning, and you too can get back to basics and go back to school!
"Always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward"
-Conrad Hall
Learning and growing is what we came here to do, I hope you'll join me and take another step on your journey towards growth, development, and expansion.
So get ready to go back to school, get back to the basics and enrol in one or more of my courses or programs or pick up a mini reading and receive some direct guidance from Spirit!
There is something for everyone!
Scroll below for all the details.
Love, Carmel xo

Back to Basics Mini Reading

What message does Spirit have for you?
I have been receiving a strong message from Spirit for the last few years that we need to go back in order to go forward.
In this brand new, never before offered mini reading, I will connect with your Spiritual Team of Guides, Angels and loved ones on the other side to discover what message Spirit has for you for the rest of 2023.
Where does your Team want you to go back and what advice do they have for you going forward?
How does it work?
- Carmel will be given your name and connect with your spiritual team of Guides, Angels and loved ones on the other side.
- Carmel will record your personal audio mini reading with the specific message your Team has for you on where you need to go back in your life and what you need to focus on to move forward through the rest of 2023.
- Your personal audio is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before October 15th.
Back to Basics
Online Course
I have been receiving the message from Spirit that we need to go back in order to go forward for several years now.
Now is the time to get back to basics.
The basics of you.
Meditation, grounding, balance, manifesting, connecting with your Team on the other side and getting back to remembering who you truly are.
If you are ready to get back to you, scroll below for all the details.

Receive 5 Lessons!
Lesson 1:
Finding Your Spirit and remembering who you are.
Lesson 2:
The Importance of Meditation.
Lesson 3:
Simple Manifestations to draw to you what you want and need.
Lesson 4:
Getting Grounded.
Lesson 5:
Receiving guidance and messages from your Team.

Get back to the basics of who you truly are and who you were always meant to be!
Receive one audio lesson each week for 5 weeks.
Course begins September 13th.
Cost : Just $49.00!

Back to Money Mini Reading

Is this reading for you?
- Do you feel like you’re struggling to balance the bills every month and worried about how to make ends meet?
- Are you worried you won’t have enough to retire when you want to?
- Are you concerned with the economy, your job, the financial state of the world?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this reading is for you!
I think one thing we can all agree on is that the last few years things have been shifting for the world financially. Groceries have gone up; house prices and rents are through the roof and the trust that we may have had in our systems, has fallen to the way side.
But the truth is, you’re not alone and you have a team on the other side that can help.
This mini audio reading will give you specific guidance on your current financial situation. You’ll also get to ask a question and receive a direct answer!
These readings are very limited.
Carmel, xo
How does it work?
- You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to a form to fill with the question you have about your financial situation.
- Carmel will be given your name and your question and connect with your team on the other side of guides, angels and loved ones.
- Carmel will record your personal audio mini reading with the message your guidance from your team on the other side.
- Your personal audio is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before October 15th.
Registration Now Open
School of Certified Mediumship Training!
Program begins October 11th!
What Is School of Certified Mediumship?
School of Certified Mediumship is released at select times throughout the year. Each session Carmel adds new and amazing features to the program. It's a course that never stays the same and keeps advancing. This crammed pack program is 14 weeks of modules and each one contains several lessons in every module. The modules are a video and audio based training program that will give you the tools and confidence you need to immerse yourself into the world of Spirit. You'll learn to give readings and loving messages to clients all over the world.
With Certified Mediumship Training there is also a 30-day practicum to provide you with your certification, Carmel's stamp of approval, that shows you have earned the status of being an incredible medium who can say to the world …you're Certified

That's not all…included in the School of Certified Mediumship training program is business training! This training is creative, intuitive, spiritually guided and gives business owners strategies to have a more successful, established business with a stronger online presence. Carmel admits she made several mistakes with her business in the beginning but she also made some huge wins. She will teach you all of the dos and don'ts, ins and outs of creating a successful spiritually-minded business to help you heal the world with thousands of clients at a time!
Whether you're an experienced medium or one that is just dipping their toes in the waters, this program will take you to new heights with your Mediumship abilities and your business! Carmel is here to help you step by step to learn everything she did along the way.
Unlike Any Other Mediumship Training!
** Exclusive Content**
You'll learn how to connect to Spirit but more importantly how to keep the connection strong, clear and healthy for you and the Spirit on the other side. This is a complete program teaching you the business side of Spirit as well!
There are 14 core weekly learning Modules, that contain video and audio lessons, audio meditations, and homework.
At the end of these 14 weeks, you are able to do a 30-day practicum that works with your schedule, and at your own pace. This will ensure you receive the certification certificate. This certificate lets your clients know you have learned from a reputable world renowned Medium who has taught you to be a professional and how to clearly connect to the other side.
The practicum can be done at any time whenever you're ready!
The Monthly challenge!
This round of Certified Mediumship Training Carmel's goal is to keep you engaged, learning, and moving forward with Spirit.
Each month Carmel will be sending out an audio where she gives you a special challenge to complete in your Mediumship development and learning. Maybe it'll be to host a psychic development class, give a reading to a family member… or who knows what else she'll come up with, but the best part is...COMPLETE the monthly challenge and you'll be entered to WIN a prize! Prizes include mini readings, a one on one coaching call with Carmel, additional courses and more!
60 min Monthly webinars with Carmel and/or a special guest Facilitator.
Join Carmel or one of her approved facilitators and other students for a monthly mediumship practice webinar. This webinar will be an opportunity for you to practice with like-minded others and do hands on exercises live in the webinar.
That's Not All!
4 Other Courses Included in This Program!
*30 Day Practicum is completed on your own schedule and at your own pace*

Who Should Take School of Certified Mediumship?
Whether you are someone who just has learned you may have the ability to communicate with Spirit or you're someone who has been speaking with Spirits for a long time, this certification training program will teach and guide you step by step to fully open and sustain your connection to spirits on the other side.
If you are someone who wants to learn how to create a successful spiritually guided business that allows you to reach hundreds and thousands of clients across the globe to help heal the world one person at a time, then School of Certified Mediumship is for you!
School of Certified Mediumship is an 14-week interactive video and audio-based training program that will give you the tools and confidence you need to immerse yourself into the world of Spirit, giving readings and loving messages to clients all over the world.
After the 14 week training, there is a 30-day practicum to provide you with your certification, my stamp of approval, that shows you have earned the status of being an incredible medium who I can say to the world is a medium who is here to change the world. This program also teaches creative, intuitive, spiritually guided business owners strategies to have a more successful, established business with a stronger online presence. I made several mistakes with my business in the beginning but I also made some huge wins! I will teach you all of the dos and don'ts, ins and outs of creating a successful spiritually-minded business to help you heal the world with thousands of clients at a time!
Whether you're an experienced medium or one that is just dipping their toes in the waters, this program will take you to new heights with your Mediumship abilities and your business! I'm here to help you step by step learn everything I did along the way.
Turning your gift into your life's mission of helping others and owning a profitable Spiritual business is what this entire program will offer you!
How Does It Work?

This training program is released in weekly modules within your private online member area of the website.
You will receive new lessons each week .
Each Lesson is filled with step-by-step training videos, discovery homework sheets and a section that's called "Carmel's Tips". Carmel gives you the exact company or location she uses for her products, services etc. You can watch and learn from your computer, or download your training to your tablet or mobile device. It can go anywhere and is yours for life!
When Can I Watch My Modules Weekly?
You'll receive access to new modules each week over the course of the fifteen-week program.
School of Certified Mediumship is not just an online course, it's an experience that Carmel hopes will be life-changing for you. Step by step guiding you through to a new way of life and a successful spiritually-minded business.
The training modules have been carefully designed so that you complete each Module, one a week of Mediumship Training and one a week of spiritual business training, and complete the discovery sheets that go with them. We hope this will set you up to succeed!
Remember, once you complete the full program, you'll get lifetime access and can revisit the modules in any order you like, as often as you like!
Learn Easy And Smart!
Some people find sitting in front of long drawn out learning videos is tiresome and carmel computerthey can lose interest or not retain the information. This is why Carmel has broken up the videos in each module. Easy for you to understand and you can get up and "shake it off" between lessons and then come back for more! Each video/audio lesson is 5-15 minutes long. Carmel wants you to learn, be inspired and not lose any bit of the details!
Can I Learn At My Own Pace?
As a new student, you'll go through the course as it's released over 14 weeks. We, more than anybody, understand that life happens!
That's why if you're getting married, having a baby, travelling around the world, or dealing with any big life events, you don't have to worry about "falling behind." Every student gets lifetime access to School of Certified Mediumship.
This means, you can retake (yes we said retake!) the program for as long as it's in existence. The training materials are yours to keep, forever. You can revisit and review them at any time you wish!
At the end of your program, you will be invited to complete a 30 Day Practicum with several steps to receive your certification. Don't feel ready? No worries, there are no time limits, your practicum can be completed at any time whenever you are ready! We are always here to support you along the way. This is your journey and we want you to work at the pace that works best for you!
You also receive any new content added to the program with each new session!
Continue learning and growing as the program expands each year!
This is your life, only you can decide what you want to do with it!
The person who wants to help heal the world! On behalf of myself, Team Baird, and some of my previous mentees and students, we sincerely hope to have the honour and privilege of working with you soon!
One Payment of just $1797.00!
3 monthly Payments of just $599.00.
Program begins October 11, 2023!
From: $349.00 / month for 3 months

Learning from Heaven Mini Reading

What do you want to learn from your loved one on the other side?
Have you ever wondered what your loved one on the other side would like to teach you right now?
When my mom passed, I was in my 40’s and one of the hardest parts was that I hadn’t asked her all the questions, I hadn’t learned all I wanted to know from her and I felt there was so much more she could still teach me.
So, I made a pact with her that I would continue to learn from her in heaven and I have been ever since.
I’m happy to be your medium and help you communicate with your loved one about something you may want to learn from them right now.
Ask a question to them and I’ll transfer back all the details they give.
How does it work?
- You will receive a link in your receipt after purchase to a form to fill out with the loved one you would like Carmel to connect with and the question you have for them.
- Carmel will be given your name, the name of your loved one and connect with your loved one on the other side.
- Carmel will record your personal audio mini reading with the message your loved one has for you, answering your question for them and passing on their guidance.
- Your personal audio is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before October 15th.

Basic Witch School
Level 1,2,3,4 &5!

You don't have to call yourself a witch or identify as one to know in your heart that you are one, were one, or likely could be one!
If you're reading this right now …there's a good chance that this course is right for you.
I created my Basic Witch School level courses to give you basics of Witches and their evolution throughout history. Magick has been practiced for centuries and is one of the oldest beliefs and faiths, yet even in these modern times so much mystery still seems to surround its philosophies and practices.
These courses are not based on any religion but based on a set of beliefs and practices that many religions and faiths still hold true to this day. You will be very surprised with what you learn!
These one-of-a-kind courses will combine a mixture of audio lessons, video lessons, meditations and visualizations with the opportunity to see and experience first-hand many of the tools and rituals I use myself.
Work though the lessons and practice homework at your own pace, whenever you wish!
Carmel xo
The complete series.
Remembering what you once knew…
I truly believe that if you have found yourself as a witch in this lifetime, it's because you have been a witch in a previous lifetime. It would be very smart of your soul to remember that there is an intuitive force within you and nature, that can be used to navigate your way through this lifetime.
There is an important method to the structure and training that Witches need and require in order to move through their experiences and journey of knowledge.
To achieve success their lessons must be hands on and actually in the thick of it.
That's exactly where I will take you! Into the thick of it!
The Basic Witch School series of online courses are different than any other program you may come across on the internet and it may be the only one that is in alignment with Mediumship and Psychic training. There is no automated system that governs this course. These are real lessons with real hands-on training.

Each of these lessons will take you through another level of learning and understanding to help you strengthen and develop your abilities as a Healer, Witch, Psychic, Medium and all the titles we haven't thought of.
Historically the abilities of Witches were an occupation given to a desperate individual by a spirit (yes I said a Spirit, also known as a Guide) as an occupation to heal, sell charms and recover stolen items. Magick offered a great recourse against restrictive church institutions, oppressive landlords, and neglectful communities. For some women, often widows, magick was a job that kept them from starving.
Today for you, it can be a way to find a part of yourself that's been missing for a very, very long time. So, if you've ever desired to become a Witch and be able to accomplish all these magical deeds and countless more, while you change your life and that of people around you who need it, then you've made the right choice to begin your Basic Witch learning with all 5 levels!

What You Will Learn
Receive all 5 Basic Witch levels!
Basic Witch Level 1
Learn the basics of Witches. The rule of three, the meaning of magic, symbols and terminologies, the elements, the moon, mother nature, how to make spell candles and more!
Basic Witch Level 2
Learn about foraging in the forest and how to build and use your altar. Learn all about athames, tarot and oracle cards, the magic of the sea and the life of a Witch!
Basic Witch Level 3
Discover the power of a nature walk and the guidance you can receive. Learn how to connect with your Spiritual team on the other side. Discover the power of fire and learn how to read Rune Stones and how to create your own Witches Ladder!
Basic Witch Level 4
Learn how the power of mind affects your magic, how to use power words and create your own sigils. Discover the power of the Green Witch and how to use herbs and plants in your spells and daily life. Learn all about familiars and what history has taught us.
Basic Witch Level 5
The final chapter. Learn about the sacredness of your magick, how to ramp up the power of your magick and how to manage your energy. Discover the importance of your health as a Witch and how to protect yourself from psychic attack. Pull it all together as Carmel share with you the importance of sharing your magick with others, building a coven and how to host a your own healing circle.
Order All 5 Courses Today!
Basic Witch Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Take all 5 levels back to back, from the comfort of home!
Just $399.00!
Basic Witch Total Combo