Receive answers from the Animals!
July 14th – 21st
As a Spiritual Medium and everyday witch I have a deep understanding of the importance of animals in our lives.
We all know that animals are healing, grounding, and give us unconditional love and support but that’s not all.
Did you know that animals are also naturally very intuitive. That’s how they live their lives everyday. Using their intuition for their basic needs, survival and the best part … they can use their gift to give us messages of love and guidance whether they are on this side or the other.
I have featured some special items in my Answers from the Animals event to help you receive the guidance you need as well as you can also learn to receive guidance from the animals yourself.
Scroll below for all the details.
Carmel, xo
Level 3 & 4
Intuitive Animal Communication
Dive deeper into Animal Communication!
Further explore your spiritual communion with all the kingdoms of nature, the essence of communication with domestic and wild animals, plants, minerals, the elements, and the Earth.
Deepen your natural ability to commune with animals and nature using practical exercises and in-depth and hands-on training.
Become a master of animal communication with animals of all types on this side and the other!
Learn in person with
Carmel Joy Baird
Carmel Joy Baird is a world-renowned, best-selling author, reality t.v star and a gifted spiritual medium who owns River Lane Ranch located just outside Edmonton, Alberta. She is one of the most grounded, down to earth individuals you will ever meet, and yet ..she can communicate with the other side.
River Lane Ranch is home to many animals and specifically Carmel’s breed of heart, the Gypsy Cob horses. She has been communicating with Spirits and animals since she was a small child.
Carmel believes we all have the ability to communicate with Spirit, in fact, she believes it is our birthright! Whether you choose to develop it or not’s your gift to have.
Join Carmel for two full days as she shares all she knows and has experienced in communicating with animals on this side and the other in her Intuitive Animal Communication Level 3 & 4 at River Lane Ranch!
Did you miss out on Level 1 and 2?
Receive Carmel’s Level 1 and Level 2 Training online for FREE when you register for level 3 and 4 in person!
Level 3: Saturday, August 13th
Level 4: Sunday, August 14th, 2022
River Lane Ranch 2222 137 Ave NE, Edmonton
10:00 am to 3:00 pm each day
$599.00 per person
Answers from the Animals Special
Just $399.00!
[modal-product-button productid=”175790″]Register Now![/modal-product-button]
50% deposit required to secure your spot.
Remaining 50% balance due the first day of the course.
Please note:
This class is limited to a maximum of 20 students. Class is held outdoors at River Lane Ranch.
Something very rare and very special…
Mini Readings with Horses!
I know you may have had mini readings before but I am betting you haven’t had one with a horse. Yes, I said horse.
Horses are the most intuitive animals in the world. They have the ability to see inside our soul with no ego and release everything to us that we need to know immediately.
They hold nothing back and offer all the guidance from a place of love and light.
It fills my soul that these animals can provide healing to those in need all over the world.
In this mini reading you get to choose which horse you would like to do your reading for you!
Choose your Horse for your Mini Reading!
Here is how it works
- Focus on the photos of the horses and choose the one you feel most drawn to for your mini reading.
- Carmel will be given your name and the name of the horse you have chosen for your mini reading.
- Carmel will connect with your energy and with the horse you have chosen to record your personal audio and deliver the messages of guidance they have for you at this time.
- Your audio mini reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before September 15th.
Just $99.00!
Sorry, all sold out.
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**Please note: These readings are very limited.**
Connect with your pet on this side
or the other!
Carmel’s love of animals goes way back to when she was a little girl. Her first fur friend was a Maltese dog by the name of “Whiskey”. She dressed him up, carried him around and he was her best friend for a very long time.
There were, and are, many more animals in Carmel’s life and to this day she surrounded by them. Dogs, cats, chickens, horses, etc.
They keep her grounded and comforted like nothing else in this lifetime.
What Carmel didn’t know as a little girl, that she knows now is that our animals stay with us after they’ve passed and can also communicate with us from the other side.
So many people wonder if she can communicate with animals and the answer is YES!
Either those who are with us now, or those who have crossed.
Animal Connection Readings are an audio mini reading that is personal to you and your pet. They give you answers to what you want to know about your pet who’s still with you, or one who has crossed.
Here is how it works
- Purchase your Animal Connection mini reading.
- Use the link provided in your receipt to fill out your form with the information about your pet and the question you have for your pet.
- Carmel will connect with your pet to answer your question and deliver the messages your pet has for you at this time.
- Receive your personal audio via email. Your audio mini reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before September 15th.
Just $99.00!
Sorry, all sold out.
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**Please note: These readings are very limited.Only 10 available**
Animal Dreaming Oracle Card
Email Mini Reading
Receive an Oracle Card Mini Reading emailed directly to you!
Ancient teachings suggest that we are capable of communing with the forces of nature and speaking readily to the animals, if we listen carefully to what they have to say and take the time to learn their symbolic language, the teachings say that we will be shown how to live interconnected, whole and abundant lives.
Using her Animal Dreaming Oracle Card deck written by Carmel’s good friend, Scott Alexander King, Carmel will pull one card for you to bring a message from the animals, giving you guidance and direction in your life right now.
Here is how it works
- Carmel will be given your name and connect to your energy to draw one card for you from her Animal Dreaming Oracle Card deck.
- Carmel will take a photo of the card she chose and send you an email with the photo and a message letting you know what your card means for you at this time.
- Your email mini reading is expected to be completed and emailed to you on or before August 20th.
What message do the animals have for you?
Just $25.00!
Sorry, all sold out.
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