Get To Know Carmel
Spiritual Medium is certainly not what I thought I’d have on my resume at 44, if ever. In the past I suffered from extreme panic and anxiety disorders. I tried to find a cure through medication and doctors, but nothing seemed to work.
I got to a point where I just couldn’t take it anymore. I began searching for answers within myself to try and make sense of why I felt this way. I was lead down a path of healing and discovered what was really happening to me. I was connecting with Spirits on the other side. I had been doing so my whole life. I just had no idea what was happening and instead thought I was crazy!
Finally feeling as though I’d found freedom, I began giving readings to clients and sharing the messages from the other side. This seemed like the next natural step and has evolved from there.
My journey wasn’t an easy one. One that took me through many twists and turns. I was often ashamed of who I was and created a world I thought society and my family would accept me in. I’m blessed to have found my way. I feel compelled to share my story with others in hopes that they may understand what is really happening to them.
The full story of my journey to Spirit is in my new book – Truth Of Spirits! It’s available now online at or in several local book stores near you!
Carmel xo